
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Hello Sun

Hi there!

I had hoped to get more crafting done this weekend but we had a bit of a health scare with Tex and so I've been laying low with him.  My poor old boy is 14 now and has a whole host of health issues but he still loves his walks and his food so as long as that keeps up I'm happy.  Considering the state of him when we got him (adopted at 11 years old) we are thrilled that he's been with us for almost 3 years now.  We're just enjoying every day with him and loving him to bits.

Now onto the card I did manage to make.  I took inspiration from CAS(E) This Sketch, the photo at Inkspirational and the theme (Warm) at Time Out.  I immediately thought of this image from Market Street Stamps (sadly no longer open) when I saw the photo and was excited to dig it out and dust it off.  I used Firebrick Altenew ink to stamp the suns in the background.  The other was stamped, coloured with Copics, fussy cut and popped up on foam tape.  The sentiment is also from Altenew. 

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink, (Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Sun from Life Is Beautiful) Market Street Stamps, (Sentiment from Bejeweled) Altenew
Inks:  (VersaMark, Memento Tuxedo Black) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Opaque Bright White Super Fine) Wow
Markers:  (R05, YR02, YR07, YR16, Y17, Y38, Bo5) Copic
Gem:  Recollections


  1. Fantastic card, Jen. I knew immediately which challenges you were going for with that fantastic sun. A shame about Market Street Stamps, I've got a few oldies but goodies from then. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out.

  2. I am sorry Yex has had problems this weekend but it sure sounds like you face it all so positively and walks are a real help, the y are nature’s cure!
    This card is stunning. I am so pleased that our photo at Ink inspired you and your colouring is superb, so close to our photo! Great to see you at Ink and Time Out x

  3. Hoping Tex is on the mend soon. What a wonderful card and the perfect combination of the challenges. Thanks so much for joinng us at Time out. Wishingyou warm and bright days.

  4. I'll keep you sweet Tex in my prayers!

    love the way you've popped the center image. Fabulous!

    Thanks so much for playing with us at Time Out!

  5. Your card is amazing! I love the way you combined all these challenges for a perfect CAS, interesting, detailed card! Great work! Thanks for joining us at Time Out and Inkspirational!

  6. That image worked beautifully for all the challenges, Jen. Your card is so bright and cheerful.


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