
Monday, October 2, 2017

Holiday Poinsettia

Hi there!

I've got another Christmas card today - this one inspired by the current CAS(E) This Sketch challenge.  I remember being desperate to get these WPlus9 poinsettia stamps but I think this is the first time I've inked them up.  For shame...  Oh well - they've been Christened now!  The paper is Doodlebug and the sentiment is from the same Lil' Inker set as yesterday's card.

I thought this sketch looked familiar and then realized that this is a Retro CTS week and, indeed, this is a sketch from way back in 2013 when I was on the CTS team.  You can see my original design here.  Clearly my brain hasn't changed it's thinking process much as I went for flowers both times!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink
Patterned Paper:  (Black Filigree) Doodlebug
Stamps:  (Poinsettia from Pretty Poinsettias) WPlus9, (Sentiment from Holly Jolly Sentiments) Lil' Inker Designs
Inks:  (Crimson, Grapevine, Warm Sunshine, Frayed Leaf, Forest Gardens, Evergreen) Altenew
Glitter:  (Yellow Stickles) Ranger
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Hopefully they will see lots of ink this Christmas, your Poinsettia is a beauty Jen!

  2. It's the kind of sketch that lends itself to a flower, Jen, and that's why I went a different way. ;) That poinsettia is gorgeous. You definitely need to make more cards with it.

  3. Jen I love it, and the first use, too!! Looking back, I see so many of you that I never knew were on the CTS team! Thanks for playing cards with us again... xx

  4. The first and this new second take on the sketch are both marvelous Jen!

  5. Beautiful! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  6. So pretty, Jen ...the drama of the black with that vibrant poinsettia is brilliant! Your first take was deliciously crisp and bold too! Hugs, Anita :)


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