
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CASology #250

Welcome to Week 250 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

Loudness can be subjective so I think one could go in a number of directions with this cue word.  I thought about airplanes, my cat's purr (really loud when it's right in your ear at 1am!) and bright (or loud) colours amongst other things but in the end I went for loud music using this fun set from Paper Smooches along with Lil' Inker Designs sentiment.  I also broke out my Hero Arts inks which haven't seen the light of day in a while.  It was fun to rediscover them!  

Looking forward to seeing what direction the cue word takes you.  Check out the gorgeousness from the rest of the design team then play along!

This week's guest designer:

This week's sponsor:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CDT).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink, (Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Beats & music notes from Bebopper) Paper Smooches, (Sentiment from Seriously Awesome) Lil' Inker Designs
Inks:  (VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukeniko, (Green Hills, Tide Pool, Stone Wash, Grape Juice) Hero Arts
Embossing Powder:  (Opaque Bright White Super Fine) Wow
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Your card rocks! Thanks for having me as your GDT!

  2. I think your choice for the cue word is perfect, and I particularly like the colours you chose. Great card Jen!

  3. What a FUN take on the cue word, this is cool Jen!

  4. That's awesome Jen!! I remember when you were 'all that' if your stereo featured a graphic equaliser. Oh, the good Ol' days!! ��

  5. OH you CLEVER girl!!! Just amazing, and fun!

  6. Great idea, Jen. Sometimes the walls shake when kids go by with their bass turned up loud.

  7. Brilliant interpretation! Love it!

  8. Send this over my way...and I'll give it to one of my boys asap. Perfect.

  9. Yep, this is the perfect card for the cue word. Awesome!

  10. Great card Jen, I like the musical notes, I agree Loud is subjective ;) but I am with you re: the loud kitty purrs!!


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