
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

CASology #230

Welcome to Week 230 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

 What constitutes cold is definitely relative depending on who you talk to.  The other night it went down to 58 degrees here which for us is more than cold - it's freezing!   Out came the fleecy pajamas and extra blankets and the fur babies were more than happy for extra cuddles.  My brother lives in Chicago and has a whole different definition of cold.  At the end of the day though I think it's safe to say that snow = cold so today I went for a cute Newton's Nook pooch romping through a snowy wilderness.   

Looking forward to seeing what direction the cue word takes you.  Check out the gorgeousness from the rest of the design team, give a warm welcome to our newest team members Rachel & Janet and then play along!

Hazel Hodgkins - Taking a break

This week's guest designer:

This week's sponsor:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CDT).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink
Patterned Paper:  (Snow Day 6x6) Bo Bunny
Stamps:  (Dog & sentiment from Holiday Hounds) Newton's Nook
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Die:  (Stitched Arch) My Favourite Things
Markers:  (W1, W2, W3) Copic
Glitter:  (Clear Wink of Stella) Zig
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Totally adorable, Jen!!! And you're so right about how different people define "cold" differently depending on where they live and what they're used to ;)

  2. Cold is such a relative term, as I sit here shivering under a blanket and thinking about turning the furnace on to take the early morning chill out of the house. My husband would tell me to put socks on if he were home :) Love your sweet pup dashing through the snow!

  3. I definitely agree with your idea of cold! Such a cute dog frolicing inside your snow globe. Everyone can agree that he is happy and cute.

  4. Yep, cold is relative...even in my own house I'm always cold and everyone else is always hot! I love your sweet dog running through the snow...a perfect card for your line of work! :)

  5. Oh he's fun and he looks like he's having fun! I like his dapper scarf too. Cute card Jen!

  6. How adorable is this! Your coloring is great!

  7. Your doggie in his scarf is awesome! I will admit... I'd take 58 degrees right about now. ;)

  8. So you, Jen. I love the DP you used as a background for your wonderfully colored pooch.

  9. I must have the same definition as your brother. Real temp of -4 but with the wondchill it is in the double digits. Super cute the overall design.

  10. Very cute! My friend is a dachshund lover and she would just love this.

  11. Very cute Jen! Love the pretty background for your pup - looks like he's in a snowglobe.

  12. Adorable, Jen ... this little pooch is having snow much fun!! Hugs, Anita :)

  13. Hey Jen!! Super cute card!! The dog looks like he is enjoying life. Nicely done.


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