
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

CASology #184

Welcome to Week 184 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

I've been frantically making Valentine's card for the last month - I've had so many special orders this year!!  This one uses some older WPlus9 stamps that I bought second hand a few years ago.  I had fun paper piecing and fussy cutting the images - lots of nice easy straight lines on these!  Ha ha!  I spent ages dithering between using a central layout for the pocket or putting it in the lower right hand corner.  I like them both but in the end I went for the classic central layout.  

Now it's your turn to show us some Valentine's love!  Check out the beautiful inspiration from the rest of the design team and then play along!

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Papertrey Ink, (Real Red) Stamping' Up
Patterned Papers:  (Denim from On The Bright Side 6x6) My Mind's Eye, (Lined paper) Scenic Route
Stamps:  (All from A Pocketful and A Pocketful: Valentine) WPlus9
Inks:  (VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Opaque Bright White Super Fine) Wow
Dies:  (Heart from Holiday Shapes) Simon Says Stamp


  1. How cool to have orders! Such a fun card.

  2. First, applauding that you have so many customers appreciating your talents! Well they should, because your cards are amazing! Second, your center-of-the-stage pocket of love is wonderfully charming! Somewhere in my collection, I have a pocket've given me incentive to search it out. Hope I can find it...

  3. Good luck with the orders, I know you will get them sorted and make some more fabulous cards for us, like this one, to enjoy!

  4. Straight-line paper piecing is definitely the best. :) Love this design!

  5. This is very cute. I have this set also, and it is such a fun one to pull out every so often. Love that denim pocket.

  6. Loving that denim back pocket!!! Sorry I've been MIA recently! School has gone back, twins turned 5 last week, and a few changes on the job front have got me in a tail spin! Getting there though!! Hope you are well and not working too hard! ;-)xx

  7. I love that stamp and your denim looks so authentic, Jen.


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