
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

CASology #182

Welcome to Week 182 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

Everywhere you look in Bogland it's reds and pinks and love themes.  How is it almost Valentine's Day already?? It'll be Christmas any minute now...  

Anyway I ADORE a good pun which is how my card came about.  My husband adores his landscaping equipment so I thought this card would be perfect for him.  :)  Can't wait to see what you all adore.  Be sure and check out all the fabulous inspiration from the design team and then play along with us!

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Real Red, Old Olive, Smokey Slate, Basic Black) Stamping' Up
Stamps:  (Sentiment from Funny Man) Tailored Expressions
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko,
Dies:  (Lawnmower) Tailored Expressions, (Grassy border) Lawn Fawn


  1. OMG - love the detail of the 'mowed' lawn behind the mower.

  2. This is so punny and cute. Love it!

  3. Gotta love a pun, especially one as good as this, perfect card Jen!

  4. Haha.. this is just perfect for my hubby too. Brilliant card Jen :)

  5. You know I love your punny sense of humour Jen! So cute!

  6. Jen you've just blown my pun-loving mind with this one!!! OH my gosh I LOve it!

  7. Awww, get out, that is the most romantic card for a husband that I have ever seen, Jen. Luis is going to ADORE it!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. OMGOSH this is so cute!! Love that you actually mowed some grass too!!

  9. Love this :)
    And thanks for stopping by at my blog :)

  10. Ha, what an amazingly fun card! Love your pun. Would be a good one for my hubby as well. :o) And those colors are brilliant. They perfectly match my favorite red and green hues.

  11. Aww, it's punny but sweet at the same time!

  12. That's exactly the kind of DH I need, lol!! Mine can write a book, but can't cut the lawn to save his life! This is punny and adorable! Love the grass with its very own little mower. Really fun card, and I'll bet your sweet hubby loves it! Bev

  13. this is a perfect masculine card - I adore it!!

  14. OK, I am very quickly becoming your greatest admirer. Not in a creepy way, in a card-loving way. You are so creative and FUN, I adore everything you make, Jen! So punny...just perfect!

  15. Hey Jen!! I love your little lawn mower!! Super cute and fun. I can hear it going. Awesome!!

  16. This card is so YOU, Jen. I love it!

  17. Ingenious! Love that you made this especially for your husband! Love it! I think you're going to receive a lot of 'adoring' when you give it to him!


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