
Monday, October 26, 2015

Raining Cats & Dogs

I know some of you have already heard this news but I wanted to share it here on the blog as well.  Our house has been so empty since Atticus passed away in August and although we weren't planning on getting more pets this soon in the last two weeks we have ended up with a cat and a dog!  

Luis was keen to get a cat and since we figured it would be a while before the right dog came along I finally agreed and we brought home Ella.  For a supposedly feral cat Ella is a real affectionate cuddle bug.  She's now settled in quite happily at home and has Luis wrapped around her little paw.  :)

The day we brought Ella home we got a call about a dog and I immediately said no because trying to settle in one new animal is hard enough but two?  I couldn't get him off my mind though.  Tex is an 11 year old mixed breed who's owner had died and none of her family members were willing to take him on so he'd been sent to the SPCA (where they called him Brownie).  I finally decided to go see him and by that point he was at a local animal hospital being treated for an eye infection.  It only took 5 minutes to realize that he needed to come home with us.  He's a skinny old man with the sweetest face who just wants some love.  He's spent his whole life in an outdoor kennel and clearly hasn't had much interaction with people and doesn't really even know how to play.  He's coming around though and as you can see from the picture below he's very quickly gotten used to having a cozy bed!


  1. Oh my goodness...the last shot made me smile from ear to ear. So happy for you and Luis.

  2. What awesome news...and awesome pictures of these two characters, Jen! I hope they bring you and Luis lots of joy!

  3. Whoo hoo, full house of furry love! :)

  4. I know these two new members of your family are going to get all of the love and attention they need!! Congrats on your two new fur babies!!

  5. I luv this story....good for you and bless you and your new friends!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  6. So happy to meet your new additions to the family, looks like you have some busy and fun times ahead, how wonderful!

  7. I couldn't be happier for the four of you!!! Sounds as if you were meant to be, Jen!

  8. This is wonderful news! Your new additions are totally adorable and so very lucky to have a new home with you and Luis!!! Thanks for sharing this story and the awesome photos! Have fun!!!

  9. Yay and hooray!!! Ella is a beauty and Tex definitely looks like he's learning to make himself at home. And you're brave letting an older dog into your home and your heart. Enjoy!

  10. I'm so happy for you and Luis, and for Ella and Tex! :-)

  11. Congrats on your fraternal twins!! A girl and a boy, a cat and a dog! How wonderful for them to have a new home full of love, and how wonderful to have new life in your house again! So happy for you!! I can practically feel your heart smile. And I'm taking my 'cue' from your card...your heart must be glowing with love and warmth! (sorry for the pun...ok...well maybe not fully Sweet CAS card. This makes my heart smile! Bev

  12. I did not realize that your beloved Atticus had passed. So very sorry for your loss. I can see how these two adorable critters will begin to fill the whole in your heart. What wonderful additions to your family.

  13. Ever since we adopted our spaniel 2 months ago... I've been thinking about you so much after the loss of your beloved Atticus. In only 2 months, I fell in love with our Sugar... head over heals. He fills an empty space in my heart which was there for the last 7 years that we did not have a pet.

    I am all smiles... and he too ;)


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