
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

CASology #149

Welcome to Week 149 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

My card this week feels very Melissa-esque to me.  Our intrepid leader often creates the most fabulous one layer & one ink colour cards and she came to mind immediately when I put this little number together.  This has got to be the quickest card I've ever made.  I dithered about adding gems or embossing to it but in the end I decided that I liked it completely raw.  

Your turn now.  Check out the gorgeousness from the design team ladies and then get craftin'!

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Kraft) PaperTrey Ink
Stamps:  (Wine & sentiment) Unity
Inks:  (Bravo Burgundy) Stampin' Up


  1. Oh my goodness! Your mojo is pumping! Love your special order cards from the week just gone! How many cards did you end up making in total? Love this vintage card too, by the way! Totally partial to a good red! Looks awesome paired with this kraft!

  2. Just gorgeous! Love the colour combo so elegant and rich

  3. Oh, this is perfect! Love it!

  4. This is CAS vintage perfection!

  5. Sometimes raw is good. And this is good. ;) Love how you paired the vintage sentiment with wine — might be CASEing that!

  6. Wine-not leave it completely raw!?! It's perfect just the way it is! Love this wonderfully CAS card! Perfect 'vintage' card for us old folks, lol! Love this. Bev

  7. Love that you went with vintage wine! This is a fabulous one layer card and I love those images you used.

  8. Yes, Jen, it does have a Melissa feel to it and I adore it to bits! Great vintage card...and way to use kraft and brown, another great vintage touch!

  9. Love the sepia paper and darker brown it!!!!

  10. Your elements of color and stamps lend themselves to this ultra minimalist design, Jen! I love it!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. know I LOVE this, Jen! ;) You, my dear, have a way with CAS design and this just goes to show how very talented you are. Just look at the perfection! One layer. One color. Kraft cardstock. Nope. Couldn't get much better than this!!! :)

    p.s. Now I'm getting stage fright for the next challenge!!! ;)

  12. Hey Jen!! I love your card. I heard vintage wine is the best!! Great take on the cue card.


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