
Monday, May 4, 2015

The Challenge Guest Designer

Hi there!  I'm super excited today to be playing along as a guest designer over at The Challenge!  This week Lesley has a sketch for us:

I have to admit that all those layers made me a little nervous at first but it gave me an excuse to use some patterned papers and die cuts that I won from a PaperCrafts challenge.  Once I decided on which pieces to use it came together quite quickly and there's no stamping at all which is pretty rare for me.  I hope you'll pop over and have a look at all the other gorgeous creations from the design team and the other guest designers and then play along!   The Challenge closes on Sunday, May 10th at noon (PST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Patterned Paper:  (Alphabet Soup Girl) My Mind's Eye
Dies:  (Stitched Squares) Lil' Inker Designs, (Double Ended Banners) Papertrey Ink
Stickers:  (Micro Mono stickers) Basic Grey


  1. This is perfect for the sketch, Jen. Patterned paper is the only way to go with a sketch this layered.

  2. Love how everything coordinates so well! Good for you - layers scare me but you got it perfectly right!

  3. Cute papers and I like the retro phone!!

  4. Fun card, Jen! Congrats on your Guest Designer gig!!

  5. Wonderfully FUN!!! Love the papers and super CHEERY happy message Jen! So overjoyed to have you guesting at The Challenge wuth us this week!

  6. What a fun bunch of supplies you won. You did great with this sketch, which I also would have been a little intimidated by. I did not even realize there was no stamping until you mentioned it. This card really is not missing anything.

  7. Yay Congrats! Your card is adorable, love that telephone!

  8. This is just too darn cute! Love that telephone and the matching paper is simply fabulous!

  9. Fabulous take on the Challenge sketch Jen and I'm thrilled to be GDT with you this week. Sarah x

  10. Your card is adorable and I am happy you had the chance to use up some papers! Thank you so much for being our Guest, Jen.

  11. LOL, that's what I first thought when I saw all those layers! You totally rocked the sketch, and kept a clean, graphic look to your card at the same time! Nicely done.

  12. So cute! Love how you have used this sketch, Jen! So glad to have you join us this week as a GD!


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