
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

CASology #141

Welcome to Week 141 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

Before you read any further be sure to pop over to the CASology blog for some super news about one of our fabulous design team members.  Go on… I'll wait!

Now that you're back, I thought I'd take you on a little journey through my creative process this week.  When I saw the cue word I immediately thought of some newsprint Thickers I had and figured I could incorporate "news" both in the sentiment and in the pattern on the stickers.  So here's how the first card looked:

Since the sentiment was going to be the only "image" on the card I went for a bright card base.  However, when it was done I thought, "Meh, it needs a little something else."  I pondered how to make the sentiment pop a bit more and came up with this second card:

Better, but the sentiment wasn't popping enough and it just didn't seem quite right.  I left it overnight and was pondering it today when suddenly the lightbulb went off - the red Bam Bubble on the yellow background is very comic book-esque and comic book heroes aren't great they're super!  "Super news!" would be a more fitting sentiment for the design and because I had the news in the sentiment I really didn't need the newsprint letter stickers.  I dug around in my sticker stash and came across these puffy foam letters which really had a comic book feel to them and Wham - the design was complete!  Third time's the charm!

Sometimes when an idea isn't working it's worth walking away for a while and letting it sit.  You never know when inspiration will strike.  And now it's time for you guys to inspire us once again with your brilliant creations.  Check out the gorgeous designs from the CASology team and then get to work!

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Real Red, Daffodil Delight) Stampin' Up
Die:  (Bam Bubbles) Paper Smooches
Stickers:  (Daydream Thickers) American Crafts


  1. Jen, I just love how your creative process works, and your final card certainly packs a KAPOW punch! Absolutely love it!! The other cards are super too, but the third is definitely extra super!!

  2. Shazam!! This is one amazing and high impact card. Love seeing how your mind works its magic. This is definitely the best of the bunch, although if I had only seen either of the first two, I would have thought they were great as well. Hope you saved them.

  3. Thanks for sharing your creative process, Jen. It's cool how your card has evolved. I do like them all, though! The green is a fun color with the 'newsprint' letters. And I'm loving the foam stickers on your final project. Great cards, one and all. Oh!, and great news about Gillian too! Bev

  4. I'm glad you took us on that journey -- had you posted just the first one, I'd have thought, fun card! But then the second one made me realize you'd improved on the original design. But the third one? You're right, even better! Hope you hung on to all three, though. ;)

  5. Thanks for sharing the evolution of your card! It's "Super!" I know many a super hero fan around here that would love it!

  6. I often have 'version' ideas for my cards, but I rarely make them - I love seeing your thought process on this!

  7. super fun card! love the look of your last result! yes sometimes creativity needs a short break :-)

  8. A progression of fabulousness Jen!!

  9. Loved reading about your thought process... and also seeing it in action, my fave is the super hero version it's so much FUN!

  10. Wow, Jen ... vibrant, fun and such a brilliant sense of energy! Really enjoyed seeing your creative process and how your fabulous card(s) evolved! Anita :)

  11. WOWZERS! Super fun, bold and striking cards. Great inspiration Jen

  12. BAM! Now THAT is a brilliant post! Honestly, it is very reassuring to me to know that others go through several stages of cards sometimes, too, until they get it just the way they want it. Way to stick with it -- now you have three cool cards!

  13. I agree sometimes letting it sit and coming back to look is just the ticket. Love the way your cards ended up. Three wonderful cards Jen!


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