
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

CASology #132

Welcome to Week 132 of CASology!  Take a look at the cue word for this week:

I'm sure there are a few of you scratching your heads about this one and thinking that I have really gotten my cue words mixed up this week.  However, I have taken the word "hot" in a truly Bermudian direction.  You see, here on de rock when you've had a couple of drinks and are tipsy you are "half hot" and when you are good and drunk you are "full hot"!  

I thought this stamp set from Skipping Stones Designs (sadly closed) would help me illustrate the idea perfectly.  However, it took me two tries to get it right.  One might suggest I actually was half hot when I made my original card as seen below:

Can you spot the error?  Here I used an image from Market Street Stamps (also sadly closed) along with the Skipping Stones sentiment.  I chose the image first and was so excited about my Stickles salt on the rim of the glass that I got my "m" drinks confused.  Yup.  While the sentiments speaks of martinis that drink is most definitely a margarita.  Whoops.
After some muttering of naughty words and scrambling around (I didn't notice the error until I was editing the photo of the original card) I got another card pulled together, photographed and ready for inspection!  

Now it's your turn to show us where the word "hot" takes you.  Be sure to check out the gorgeous creations from the design team and then get playing!  

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (All from Chic Martini) Skipping Stones Designs
Ink: (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Marker:  (Old Olive) Stampin' Up
Gems:  Recollections

Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (Margarita from Tiki Time) Market Street Stamps, (Sentiment from Chic Martini) Skipping Stones Designs
Ink: (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Markers:  (Certainly Celery, Gumball Green) Stampin' Up
Gems:  Recollections
Glitter:  (Crystal Ice Stickles) Ranger


  1. LOL! I love learning little facts like that! Great CAS card, Jen!

  2. LOL!! Well I learnt something new today! This has also got me singing that 'hot, hot, hot' song. This is genius! I absolutely love it!!

  3. Fabulous cards, Jen!! And great story---hopefully you sat down and enjoyed an m drink in honor of your creativity because I absolutely LOVE your take on this challenge!!! And thanks for the lesson in Burmudian too---super fun!

  4. Just need to grab a flight! Love this Jen!

  5. Cracking up at this post! Not sure I would have noticed the sentiment miss. Two great cards...and I have never heard that expression before. Too fun!

  6. Well I wouldn't have been the wiser!!! Shows how much I drink!! Brilliant card Jen :0)
    Jenny x

  7. Thanks for the clarification Jen - that is funny. Love the margarita glass.

  8. LOVE how you used the meaning of hot. I have never heard of it used that way. Your cards are totally adorable. LOVE the margarita with the fun Stickles and the martini is brilliant. Fabulous design!!

  9. Well, Jen, I never heard the sayings you referenced but you can be sure I'm going to start using them when appropriate! Thanks! Your card made me smile, as usual...a perfect "Jen" card! Love it!

  10. Oh look, now you have a perfectly coloured and Stickled margarita ready to fussy-cut and use on another card. I love the sentiment, the martini and the entire design of the card. And I will now add half-hot and hot to my vocabulary. (It will work well with pu-pus, Hawaiian for appetizers, as in "have some pu-pus, you're half-hot already!")

  11. These are both very cute, and perhaps with a few drinks, the recipient might not even notice that the drink was wrong? I have never heard of that expression--clearly I need to spend more time in Bermuda.

  12. Ha this is fun!!! Would love to visit only get mildly warm, LOL!!!!

  13. Love this Jen and love the story behind the cue card for you

  14. I LOVE THIS CARD!!!! Oh Jen, this is full on hot! I cracked up when I saw this. I bought this set a couple of years ago, and now feel the need to pull it out again! Love your take on the cue card! Around here, one (and there are many) of our idioms is, "in the bag" or "half in the bag". Love the world's various concepts on tipsiness! Great card! Have a great week. And btw, we got a foot of snow this past weekend... not so 'hot' here! blechhh! Bev

  15. OMG! The "new" card is absolutely AWESOME! It made me smile BIG! And then you told us the story of the first card, and I laughed. I love your mixed martini/margarita message, lol!

  16. In love with your card! Simple, adorable sentiment and glittery salt...too cute!!!

  17. Well now that's totally a mistake I would've made! And it's almost funnier that it's mixed up - gets the definition of HOT even better! lol!


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