
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

CASology #94

Welcome to Week 94 of CASology!  Take a look at this week's cue word:

I have been incredibly disorganised the last couple of weeks and have been seriously struggling with my mojo. All that plus internet issues and I am VERY late with this post!  (My apologies again to my amazing teammates).  I've finally made it to the party with my card though.  After a few unfortunate creations involving brads (that did nothing in the end except decorate the trash bin) I finally pulled out this Newton's Nook grate stamp and whipped up this little creation.  It's actually a CAS version of a card I made ages ago but never posted.  In fact, I'll share it now:

Sometimes CASEing myself is the best I can do when the mojo isn't flowing!  Hopefully this cue word will get your mojo flowing though and I'm looking forward to seeing all your fabulous creations!  Be sure to stop by and visit the rest of the DT for oodles of inspiration and then get to work!

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that the deadline for entries is Monday at noon (CST).

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Brushed Silver) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Grate and sentiment from Just Say Cheese) Newton's Nook
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Dies:  (Bam Bubble) Paper Smooches


  1. Well your end result is fabulous Jen. This punny sentiment cracks me up.

  2. Grate idea!! U are superb in ur puny ideas :)

  3. Very good - I love that you showed the contrast between CAS and non-CAS!

  4. These are so fun, and I love your "grate" take on the metal challenge!

  5. HA! That card is AMAZING AND FUNNY! I love it! :)

  6. Great idea to CASE yourself Jen, love your CAS version of this fun card!

  7. ...and this is a 'grate' card :0)
    It's annoying when Mr Mojo goes off for a while but CASEing yourself is a brill idea. Hope all is well xx

  8. Your mojo and mine must be off on holiday together somewhere. Hope they're having fun. But even though you say yours is missing, it's a fab card! I like it even more than your original that you CASEd!

  9. This is so cute. I love the CAS version. Why on earth would anyone make or buy a cheese grater stamp? That has got to be one of the most random things. However, your card is fantastic, so perhaps that is the reason why. So glad you found your missing mojo.

  10. No, YOU'RE grate! You make me smile evry single time I stop by yur blog, do you know that? This is so dang adorable!


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