
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sew What's New?

Okay, so I don't love this card but I was trying to break out of my CAS comfort zone and play with some patterned papers.  I dithered about sharing it at all but sometimes I need to remind myself that I'm not going to make the perfect card every time.  It was inspired by the current Fusion challenge, both the photo and the sketch.  The buttons were a last minute addition because everything just seemed so flat despite the oval being popped up.   (They also allow me to enter this into the Simon Says Anything Goes with Buttons challenge!)  I'm planning on taking another stab at this challenge so should have something to share later in the week.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Patterned Paper:  (Lost & Found 3:  Oliver) My Mind's Eye
Stamps:  (Dress form & sentiment from Sew Artsy) Hero Arts
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Dies:  (Nesties Classic Ovals Large & Classic Rectangles Large) Spellbinders


  1. Oh knocked it out of the park Jen. Love how you used both the sketch and inspiration photo. The buttons are the perfect addition and the combo of patterned paper...I know it's not your typical style but I love it. Thanks so much for playing with us at Fusion!

  2. Ohhhh I LOVE this, pattern papers can be so much fun! And you are having fun with it!! The ones you chose are so wonderful!!!So gorgeous!

    Thanks for all your support Jen, you are just the best.

    Thanks for joining us at FUSION, I am tickled that you did!!!!

  3. Jen but I do love this card, way to break out the patterned paper (my biggest fear). Great job with the sketch too.

  4. FABulous card. Loving the mix of patterns, colours, shapes & angles. Hugs Bev x

  5. STUNNING!! I love the mix of papers you've used, perfection, and you definitely did that challenge justice!

  6. You are being too hard on yourself. I love how you used the patterned papers, and it's a great take on the sketch.

  7. Well, I love this card, does that count? I think the patterned papers are perfect.

  8. I love this one, too! Great papers, and a very cool card. :-)

  9. I think it's unanimous - I bet you don't like it because it's outside your comfort zone. For the rest of us it looks perfect! I love the curved punny sentiment, and the colours, buttons, and patterns are awesome together!


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