
Friday, April 18, 2014

Congrats Banners

It's Good Friday and it's a public holiday today!   A day of kite flying and eating hot cross buns and codfish cakes.  Yummers!  We're heading to the beach with some friends but before I go I wanted to share a card for the RetroSketches and Paper Smooches Sparks challenges.  The strings of banners in the photo made me think of the lines on the sketch so I thought these challenges would go together nicely.  Love when that happens!  Hope you all have a fabulous day!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (Sentiment from Simply Said, Flags from Hang Ups) Paper Smooches, (Line from Faux Ribbon) Papertrey Ink
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Bubble Gum, Orange Soda, Butter Bar, Tide Pool) Hero Arts
Twine:  (Mandarin, Lemondrop, Caribbean) The Twinery
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Great combination of these challenges! So perky and cheerful!

  2. Great minds, Jen. I did a banner card, too. You did a great stamping job. Mine is die cut.

  3. You nailed this one Jen!
    Looks awesome!

  4. Lovely card. Simply beautiful.

  5. Such a cute card -- enjoy your day!

  6. What a fun and happy take on both of these challenges, Jen!!! Have a great time at the beach!!!

  7. Super fun! Love the matching twine and the bling. Perfect take on the sketch!

  8. What a fabulous combo of those two challenges. Hope your Easter weekend is fantastic.

  9. Oh I love those sweet banners with the touch of twine. Great take on the inspiration Jen!

  10. This is gorgeous, reminds me of the Cure for the Monday blues, I need to come up with a card idea for that...the neon is perfect!!!

  11. How lucky to get a public holiday and I love the brightly colored banners...cute idea to add a twine bow on one of each banner row! Happy Easter!

  12. Now that is a great take on both challenges! So fun!

  13. Such a fun card and loving how you incorporated the two challenges so well. Those flags are perfect, just love it! x Beverley x

  14. Super duper CUTE, love this take on the sketch!!

  15. Cute and colourful! Nice job combining the two challenges. :)

  16. Such a fun and bright cheery card Jen, hope you have a great Easter!

  17. ...and now I'm hungry! lol! I guess chocolate can't be my only food group today. Darn.
    I LOVE this - curving the sentiment & adding the twine bows adds so much movement & fun!

  18. Jen, this is a perfect take on this week's inspiration photo! LOVE your fun banners and the colors are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with this week's Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge!! :)


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