
Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Rainbow of Thanks

Hi there!  It's a wild and windy Saturday here today with sporadic showers.  I did my Beat the Couch run this morning and man, was it a rough one!  I felt great at the Thursday night session and pushed myself a little more than normal so I guess I was paying for that today.  Blah!  Hopefully Monday will be better.  

I'm offering up two Paper Smooches rainbow cards to combat the dreary weather and am going to play along with the Paper Smooches Sparks Anything Goes Challenge.  I needed a lot of colored stars for another project so I figured I'd put the rest of the die cuts to use instead of chucking them.  Hope you're having a lovely weekend!      

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Real Red, Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Old Olive, Pacific Point, Rich Razzleberry, Basic Grey, Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Dies:  Hot Spots Sm Set 1, Thanks Word) Paper Smooches


  1. Not wasting cardstock -- a girl after my own heart. ;) Perfect way to use the negatives of the die cuts! And congrats on sticking to the challenge.

  2. I love your rainbow thanks cards. I don't like wasting bits of cardstock either, especially when they're so pretty! :-)

  3. Such fun and cheery cards Jen, love those bright colours!

  4. Love your rainbow card! You should post on the sugarandspicechallenge (dot) bloodspot (dot) com for the chance to win! It's a rainbow challenge!

  5. If you find a good card design, do it twice. That's your motto for this card, plus using the stars on another one. Brilliant!

  6. Two rockin' rainbows.... Loving the dark card base version the most :0)

  7. These are great! I love both of them - always love rainbow cards. And so clever using the positive & negative from the die cut - I'm terrible at that! Thanks so much for playing with us at Paper Smooches Sparks!


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