
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fusion Balloons

The weekend is quickly drawing to a close.  They really do pass by at a ridiculous rate of speed!  I didn't get too much time in the Craft Cave this weekend but I did manage to play along with the Fusion challenge.  I think I've pretty much reached my Valentine's limit at this point so I focused on the sketch and let the inspiration photo fall by the wayside.  The bright and cheery rainbow of Lil' Inker balloons was the perfect antidote to today's dreary weather.  Hope it makes you smile!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Melon Mambo, Real Red, Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Old Olive, Pacific Point, Rich Razzleberry) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Strings from Admit One) Lawn Fawn, (Sentiment from Scootin' By) Sweet Stamp Shop
Ink:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Dies:  (Balloons) Lil' Inker


  1. Love the curly tails - they add even more movement and whimsy!

  2. Total fun! Love the bright balloons. Really, how many valentines do you need, anyway? ;)

  3. I'm with you on Valentine's, but I think I have one more to make! Love your rainbow of glad you could play with us at Fusion!

  4. Squee! Your rainbow balloons are sooooo fun, Jen! It TOTALLY made me smile!! Enjoy the day! Hugs, Darnell

  5. My valentines are all done and ready to mail so I didn't need any more and I couldn't think of anything to do for this challenge that hadn't been done. You on the other hand came up with a great idea. I love the colorful balloons.

  6. Wow, bright and FUN!!! Great movement on this FUSION Card! Thanks for joining us Jen!!!

  7. Rainbow balloons & matching bling? YES. I love it!

  8. I am with you on the Valentine over-load - I just wrapped up making 51 cards for my sister-in-law for my niece and nephew to give to their daycare buddies and teachers. No hearts or pink for me for a little while *grin*. Your balloons are FABULOUS; perfect for Fusion and for making us smile!

  9. Perfect take on the sketch and love the matching gems for the balloons!

  10. What a cute card!! Love your take on the sketch!
    Thanks for joining us at FUSION!

  11. I'm going to sound like a broken record but I LOVE this one too!

  12. Congrats on your shout out at fusion! Great card I love the rainbow of color!

  13. Popping back to congratulate you, Jen, on the HM honor from Fusion!! Yippee!!! Hugs, Darnell

  14. What a fun grouping of balloons. The matching rhinestones and curly string are such great details. I can totally relate to being tired of making valentines by now.


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