
Saturday, February 15, 2014

A CASE of Thanks

Hello there!  Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! I'm popping in with a card that was inspired by this week's CASE study muse, Danielle Flanders.  I was inspired by the colours and repeated image.  This Paper Smooches die is NBUS for me and I can't believe I waited so long to use it.  Once I got started I came up with a whole bunch of designs!  I must allow myself to just play around more often…

Before I go I want to share a story that I posted on Facebook about my Valentine's dinner with Luis last night (apologies to you that have already seen it):

Had a lovely dinner with Luis at Wahoo last night. An older couple was seated next to us and the wife pulled out a bag full of letters. She and her husband spent the rest of their evening pouring over the letters - laughing and reading bits to each other. When we went to leave I asked how long they'd been married. The husband said 30 years. His wife's gift that night was to bring the letters they had exchanged when they were younger and he was away at school and they spent the evening remembering. He said, "Marriage is full of cliffhangers and roller coasters but if you're willing to keep working at it it's a wonderful lifelong ride." Wow. I hope that's me and Luis in 30 years!

Supplies Used
Cardstock:  (White) Handy Hippo, (Real Red, Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight) Stampin' Up
Stamp:  (Sentiment from Many Thanks) Paper Smooches
Ink:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Die:  (Hot Spots SM Set 1) Paper Smooches


  1. Super cute, colorful, cheerful card, Jen! Also love the Valentine dinner true, marriage is quite a ride...hope we are all as lucky as that cute older couple!

  2. Great use of the colours! And there you are, right back at the challenges. ;)

  3. Fabulous card. Love those colors and the stars--yummy. That is an amazing love story. It makes me a little sad that we do so much electronic communication now. Not that my DH is into love letters, but I cannot imagine bringing a bunch of emails and texts to a valentine dinner in 30 years!

  4. What a bright starry card Jen - the colors are wonderful - and what a lovely story!

  5. Such a lovely story Jen... where are we going with emails, it's not quite the same is it? Great fun card BTW.

  6. What a beautiful story! Fun card and nice take on the muse

  7. Love these fabulous hot colours, Jen ... the stars are a perfect highlight! What a lovely story ... one of the delights of making cards is that we're pretty sure they'll be treasured for posterity ... and may be shared at a Saint Valentine dinner many years hence! Anita :)

  8. I love how you translated the Case Study photo. That story is wonderful. My parents have been married 71 years and they still laugh and remember.

  9. What a lovely visit here Jen! First your fab card with those lovely bright positive colours and then that happy Valentines story - thank you! Vicky x

  10. This is fabulous!!! Such a great CAS take on Danielle's card. Loved the story you shared...I can't think of a more perfect valentine story...I hope for that, too. :)

  11. I love how bright and uplifting your card is - it makes me happy! It's a great take on the CASE study muse card too :)

    Such a sweet valentines story - I hope that's me and my other half in 30 years too ;)

  12. It's such a wonderful story - and gift, to have met them! Totally inspiring.
    Love the fun bright colours on that card - primary colours never fail to cheer me up :)

  13. great color combo, really catches the eyes! Thanks so much for joining us at CASE Study this week!

  14. Such a cool card, great design! Thanks for playing along with us at CASE Study this week! : )


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