
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CASology #77

Welcome to Week 77 of CASology!  Here's the cue word for this week:

It feels so good to get back into the Craft Cave and start crafting again!  I missed it during my little hiatus but life took over and I had to step back and get things sorted.  Luis and I finished up a number of long standing projects around the house and spent some much needed time just being together.  I also made several trips to Boston during November and December to spend time with my mom while she underwent radiation treatment (there are no radiation facilities in Bermuda).  Thankfully the treatments finished up in time for us to come home on Christmas Eve.  I couldn't have asked for a better gift!  

Now, onto the challenge which this week is to be inspired by the word Bubbly.  I thought of champagne and bubbly personalities and a gaggle of speech bubbles (which would make a bubbly card right?) but then I saw this uninked Avery Elle stamp and found my inspiration! When it comes to bubbly drinks I'm pretty picky - Coke, Pepsi, Sprite or Ginger Ale is pretty much it for me.  Sparkling water and other soda flavors just don't appeal.  I had some fun with the colors of these bubbly drinks though and broke out my new Hero Arts inks.  Lots of NBUS here, Darnell!  

Your turn now.  I can't wait to see your bubbly inspired cards!  Before you play along be sure to check out the gorgeous creations from the rest of the DT and also give a big welcome to our newest members Joyce and May!

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember submissions are due by 4pm CST on Sunday, 12 January.

Supplies Used
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (Bottles from The Man) Avery Elle, (Sentiment from Soda-Lighted) Fresh Squeezed Stamps
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Fresh Peach, Orange Soda, Butter Bar, Green Hills, Pool) Hero Arts
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Jen, it is SO good to have you back!!! This card reminds me of making our own soda when I was a kid! :) Love the fun colors and the movement of that sentiment!!!

  2. This is super, Jen. It caught my attention right away on the CASology blog. Traveling to Boston in this weather must have added a lot of stress to the situation with your Mom. I pray she is on the mend.

  3. Awesome card, Jen! So fun!

    Sorry to hear about you mom, will be praying for her and you!

  4. Love this bubbly rainbow! Lots of fun and movement!

  5. I adore this card!!!

    And I'm so happy to hear about your mom! I'm still keeping her in my thoughts, but I'm so glad she was with you for the holidays:)

    Happy New Year my sweet friend!

  6. Great to have you back Jen and I love your bright bubbly card

  7. You're back! Happy New Year, Jen -- hope 2014 takes it easy on you, Luis and your mom.
    This card is so bright and happy! and the three little gems are the perfect touch.

  8. Welcome back! So glad things went well with your Mom! Love this take on the cue card!

  9. My eyes lit up when your post popped up in my inbox, Jen! I've really, really missed your darling creations and I've been wondering how your Mom is doing.

    I'm so happy to hear all the news you shared! Thank you so much for letting us know what you and Luis have been up to and that your mom has finished her treatments. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers as she recovers from those treatments.

    Now on to your card! What a bubbly delight this is! First of all, awesome image - I can't believe it was in your NBUS! (Thanks so much for the shout out!!) Your NBUS coloring is also fantastic and I love the bubbly pop of bling!!

    I'm looking forward to seeing you back on a regular basis! Happy New Year to all of you!! Hugs, Darnell

  10. Love the colorful movement on your card! Learned something simple yet effective technique which is stamping the images off the card. By the way, thanks for the warm welcome. Hugs, May

  11. Super duper fun and cute card!! Love all of those colorful bubbly drinks and the placement of your bling---perfect!!! Hope your mom is doing well!!!

  12. Love the look of this card. Eye catching

  13. Jen--so happy to see you creating again, and cannot believe that we are teamies now. Yay. Sorry to hear about your mom, and I am sending her healing thoughts all the way from San Diego. Your card is just fantastic. I don't know why I did not think about soda bubbles--brilliant. I love how you stamped along the bottom edge and used all those fun and festive colors.

  14. So glad you are home and creating and most importantly I hope that your mom is doing well. I love this bubbly drink of choice is a fountain diet coke!

  15. Welcome back to you too Jen, love those colourful bottles of pop :0) I'm straightaway thinking of washing machines for bubbly... what an exciting life I lead..Lol.
    Hope you had a lovely Christmas...such a good job your Mum came back to the island before the winter storm arrived too :0)
    Jenny x

  16. Oh, I see you had a blog break as well . . . welcome back!

    This card is so much FUN! Perfect for the bubbly theme of the challenge.

  17. Welcome back, glad to hear that your mum has finished her treatment and hope you had some QT over Christmas. I think I've forgotten what it was like to make a card I haven't had time to scratch myself here lol. Hope to be back to the normal 'program' real soon too. That is after the 50th, 70th, 40th and 21st birthdays of which none are near home. ps great card Jen

  18. So happy to see you back, Jen ... and with such a fun and happy card, full of effervescence! Anita :)

  19. Jen I am so happy to see you back, I have missed you but I also understand. Family is always first and foremost. So glad you mom is through her treatment. Your card is as always fantastic!

  20. Great card - always love a rainbow! The little bubbles above the sentiment are a perfect touch!

  21. It is so awesome to have you back, Jen, although it sounds like your break was quite necessary and productive, too. Your bubbly card is absolutely perfect! I would love an ice cold Coke right about now (does't happen often but your soda bottles have put me in the mood for some bubbly soda!!)!! I love this fun, colorful card!!

  22. Loved the way you used this set! It is so universal what you have done! It can be used for ANYONE, kids adults, older adults, just Wonderful Jen!!!

  23. *happy dance* So glad that things are settling back into a bit of a routine for you, sweets! And having your mom home - now to hear the magic words from the docs!
    What a way to POP back on the scene - I love this cad - clever as all heck & rainbow to boot :) Love it!


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