
Thursday, January 30, 2014

CAS(E) This Sketch #62

Welcome to Week 62 of CAS(E) This Sketch!  Take a look at this week's sketch designed by Chrissy Larson:

This sketch gave me the perfect opportunity to break out the Tech Talk set from CAS-ual Fridays - NBUS alert!!!  I love when a sketch speaks that clearly to me.  No fussing and faffing about - I can just get down to work.  What does this sketch say to you?  Check out the gorgeous designs by the rest of the design team and then show us your stuff!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Patterned Paper:  (Snippets 6x6) Studio Calico
Stamps:  (Computer keys from Tech Talk) Cas-ual Fridays
Inks:  (Butter Bar, Soft Granite) Hero Arts
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Excellent take on this sketch, Jen! And so funny...I also had a never been inked up Tech Talk stamp set that I literally just inked up two days ago to make a birthday card for my husband! No joke! You'll see the card post on my blog tomorrow!!! So crazy that we both had this same stamp set, unused, and decided to ink it up at the same time!! HA!!! Great minds!!

  2. Oh my goodness this is genius Jen~I love it!

  3. Great take on the sketch, Jen! I love that stamped keyboard!

  4. Brilliant stamp, brilliant use of it -- and brilliant card! :)

  5. That NBUS was just waiting for this challenge. It knew you'd do well by it. ;)

  6. Jen, I am SPEECHLESS, this is so avante garde gorgeous in the card world, yo are my HERO!

    HOT< HOT< COLORS!!!! Wonderful design and execution!

  7. Fussing and faffing. Love that! Your card is a great take on the the keyboard stamp and the fun sentiment!

  8. Ahhh...NBUS! Go Jen! This is awesome!

  9. I so love this sketch and your take on it. Very fun.

  10. I love the bright yellow! And yep, you have GOT to love those instant ideas!

  11. Love your keyboard, Jen. Great way to realize the sketch.

  12. No fussing or faffing, just dazzling and delighting! Love the keyboard stamp, love your use of the keyboard stamp, love your card! Awesome!


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