
Monday, October 14, 2013

Neon Birthday

Hi there! I'm popping in to share a card for Sweet Stamp Shop's Use What You Have Challenge and the Shopping Our Stash challenge Embossing Times Two.  I decided to use some of the coloured embossing powders (neon pink and neon green) that have been collecting dust (since I pretty much only use clear and white).  I used stamps from Old Fashioned Afternoon and Drops Background and the Sweet Pieces Snapshot Die.  

I love penny farthings.  There's one in the town across the harbour from me that I've been fascinated by since I was a kid.  I always wanted one but I'll have to be content with a stamped version for now!


  1. Love the Neon colors on ur card :)

  2. Jen, this is awesome! GReat way to use up some embossing powders (I seriously need to do that!)! So glad you joined in the UWYH Challenge at SSS!

  3. this looks fab Jen, love the neon colours

  4. Love the neon ep! And I've always wondered how they got up onto those bikes. :)

    Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

  5. Clear, white, gold, silver -- those are the ones I use. ;) Neon ep is fun! Great card -- love the little pops of pink on the penny farthing.

  6. Such a fun card! I love the bike and way to rock the colored embossing powders!

  7. Dude?!?!?! This card is cray cray AWESOME!!!! LURVE!!!! ;)

  8. Lovin' those shiny neons, embossing really makes me happy, hmmmmmm.....

  9. I would seriously squeal right out loud if I saw a penny farthing in real life! Too cool :) I am loving the bright & funky colours on this card!!

  10. Way to rock the colorful embossing powder! Love the way these bright colors pop against the charcoal gray.

  11. I am not a neon fan - but this is just fun!!!


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