
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CASology #67

Welcome to Week 67 of CASology!  Here's the cue word for this week:

This week's cue word definitely had me scratching my head a bit (although that's a good thing because it means we'll have lots of interesting interpretations from you guys!)  In the end I couldn't get Jake Bugg's "Country Song" out of my head so I went for a guitar and a song related sentiment.  The guitar looked a little lonely so I added the strip of patterned paper (in a complementary colour) for some balance and interest.  The DT went in all different directions for this cue so check out their awesome work and then play along!     

And this week's guest designers:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember submissions are due by 4pm CST on Sunday, 27 October.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Kraft) Papertrey Ink, (Cherry Cobbler) Stampin' Up
Patterned PAper:  American Crafts
Stamps:  (Guitar & sentiment from Hippie Chic) Market Street Stamps
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko,
Gems:  Recollections


  1. Great card Jen, country music was an idea that ran through my head but I didn't have anything that would work for it

  2. Yup, I knew you'd knock this one of the park! Why didn't I think of this interpretation?

  3.!! you totally rocked (hee hee!) the cue word, jen!!

  4. Jen this is brilliant, I never even thought of this! Love that guitar!

  5. OK, this was one of my options (I kept hearing Donny and Marie singing "I'm a little bit country"), but I didn't know where to take it - you nailed it!

  6. What a great idea for the challenge. I never would have thought of country music...that's what fun about this challenge. Super card!!!

  7. I like your take on the cue word! This rally made me smile, lovely sentiment!

  8. Love this, Jen! I'd very briefly toyed with tis interpretation, but the guitar I happen to have is definitely more for rock-n-roll! LOL!
    That single strip of DP really adds a punch! :)

  9. Other than the fact that most country songs are generally immediately banished from my head when they appear... I really like this card! And the sentiment is perfect.

  10. Not a country music gal here, but love how you "played" this challenge, Jen. Seriously CAS and country, too.

  11. Yep, Jen, I knew we could count on you for something fun and creative...again! I did think of country music, but nothing can beat this sweet design! Great colors, too!

  12. I almost went with a country song theme! Your card is so fun, love it!

  13. Country music popped into my head right away...and as I was looking at the DT I was thinking...hmmm, maybe not. I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T LET ME DOWN! lol This is fabulous :) And that sentiment is totally country!

  14. Jen, this is fantastic!!! Love the FUN and humor in this!!

  15. Perfect take on the cue card... country - country music sure!!and that panel adds a lot of interest :)

  16. I just love to see the different directions one word can take you!
    Beautiful inspirations Jen... as every week !

  17. Great take on the cue, I would never have thought of this, you really are so very clever Jen!

  18. Clever card such a great take on the cue word and beautifully crafted.


  19. I never would have thought of this interpretation, but I see that it is absolutely perfect for the challenge.


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