
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rockin' Paper Piecing

Hi there!  Today was rainy and thundery all day a perfect day to spend in the Craft Cave.  I worked on some special order cards and Christmas card ideas and then took a break to play along with ColourQ.  I don't have any Bermuda Bay paper (which seems wrong somehow!) so I used some Paperbilities paper which actually looks a lot more like BB in real life.  I paper pieced this Sweet Stamp Shop cassette and added a Lawn Fawn sentiment.  Bright, fun and rock and roll!

The bad weather today was also conducive to having a little sulk about the fact that my brother has gone back home.  :( We had an awesome visit with him - lots of laughs and fun and way too much good food!  And Atticus is devastated that his Tio Phil has left him.  Phil spoiled Atti with lots of swims and walks and ball games.  Here's how Atti is looking now that Phil is gone:

Even with a big ol' pile of beds he's still not a happy puppy.  :(

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Turquoise) Paperbilities, (Primrose Petals, Daffodil Delight, RIch Razzleberry) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Cassette from Old School Rock) Sweet Stamp Shop, (Sentiment from Stay Tuned) Lawn Fawn
Ink:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko


  1. Well who could blame Atti. His sad face is too much! Love your paper pieced cassette! very cool!

  2. Your doggie is so cute, even when he is sad. Love your paper pieced cassette tape. Gosh, I still remember those.

  3. :( It's miserable when family goes home. I get that :( And of course the pups have no concept of why their fun person disappeared. Sigh.
    That is a super fun card, btw. I can't believe you don't have any Bermuda Bay paper. That really, really seems wrong.

  4. Aw he doesn't look a happy pup. Your card however is so cheery

  5. This is such a cute card with the fun colors at Color Q, like it

  6. This is rockin' paper piecing, indeed. Why would a Bermudian need Bermuda cardstock, anyway? :P

  7. What a cute puppy, I just want to know if there is a 'pea' under all those mattresses? ps love your paper pieced tape, I remember when these were all we had to play at home (no record player at our house I'm afraid)


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