
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kirsty Colquhoun

***This is my second post for today.  For my CASology post please scroll down or 

I wanted to pop in again today to say that I was completely overwhelmed by all the sweet messages I received regarding yesterday's post.  You ladies are all so amazing and I'm so very grateful to know you all.

I also wanted to mention one more person who I've met through my blog and who I consider to be a dear friend.  I didn't include Kirsty yesterday because she's not specifically a cardmaker.  She's actually a Jack Of All Trades - or a Kirsty Of All Trades I guess!  :D Our commenting on each other's blogs led to emails, some skypeing and a few exchanges of goodie packages.  She and her whole family are some of the warmest, most generous people I have come to know through this hobby and I am determined to meet up with them one day.  

In 2011 Kirsty CASEd one of my cards as part of her 365 Days of Pinterest Creations challenge.  Instead of just pinning and pinning and pinning some more to her Pinterest pages Kirsty decided to make use of all the ideas she was collecting and for 365 days straight she completed a Pinterest project each day.  She cooked and baked, made cards and home decor, sewed clothes and crocheted cute little critters, produced games and study aids for Ben and Polly (two of the coolest kids ever) and even put together a hard core emergency preparedness kit!  Despite the day to day hiccups that sometimes occur (and a nightmare with her back) Kirsty, with the help of the whole family, completed her goal. How awesome is that??  I know I spend a lot of time thinking about things I'd like to try "one of these days" but Kirsty just got on with it and did it.  She rocks.  

Now the family has moved across the country and bought an old orphanage which they 're living in and renovating.  Seriously, does this girl ever take on small projects??  And on top of that, Kirsty has started a new blog - It Started With a Pair of Sneakers - to chronicle her goal of getting fit and completing a 5K, 10K and half marathon in the next 365 days.  She's encouraged me to join her and I'm pondering it.  If reading this new blog is anywhere near as inspiring as her 365 Days blog then I'll be out there with my sneakers in no time!

I encourage you all to check out both of Kirsty's blogs and to say hello to her and her fabulous family.  Peruse all the goodies she's tried out on 365 Days or even better, find her on Pinterest where I have no doubt you'll be sucked into all the goodness she's collected there!  



  1. This is awesome, I like super crafty jack of all trades types!! Will definitely check out her wonders for myself!! Thanks for such a great intro for her Jen , you are just awesome!!!

  2. What a great tribute to this friend, Jen. :)

  3. I can't wait to go check her out :) If you love her I know I will!

  4. Your friend Kristy must be so glad to read this :) it is so interesting to know people and learn from them, Kristy sure seems one of those who are a great inspiration for all :)

  5. Oh, wow! I just went and checked her blogs out and what an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing this treasure! :)

  6. How cool!!! Again congrats on being Moxie Fab.....woot woot!!! :)

  7. super fun shout to check her out!

  8. So amazing - great story and wonderful friendship. You are all heart, Jen!

  9. OMG ... my eyes welled and overflowed and it wasnt because I have just come in from running in single digit temperatures! We will definitely meet, it is me who is the lucky one to have found your card on pinterest and to have made such a dear friend. You guys are always in my thoughts and Steve, the kids, and I will make it to Bermuda I PROMISE!! ... we may even run a race together :oD big hugs and love from the heart, xx


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