
Monday, September 2, 2013

It's Official! I'm Moxie Fab!

I'm puttin' on my dancin' shoes to celebrate being the latest Moxie Fabber of the Week!  I was so excited to receive an email from Cath inviting me to join this fabulous list of crafters.  In fact, I was so excited that I answered all my questions and had them back to her within 24 hours.  LOL!  Reading it back now, I wish I'd spent a little more time pondering it all but c'est la vie.  It is done.  And I'm still excited.  

The question that stumped me most was the one asking about a paper crafter that you admire.  Just one?  Not possible.  I was only able to mention a few in my interview but I'm going to take a page out of Lynn Mangan's book and mention more people here. 

In the (nearly) 3 years that I've been blogging I have "met" so many incredible paper crafters.  This crafty blogging community never ceases to amaze me - people cheer each other on, share tips, tricks and even crafty stash and offer support during life's rougher moments.  I love finding new crafters, learning from their style and watching their creative evolution.  

I follow a ridiculous number of blogs.  Sometimes I think I spend more time blog-surfing than crafting but there's just so much yumminess to see.  There are some women though who not only continually amaze me with their creations but have also been sweet, supportive and made me laugh along the way.  I am so grateful to each and every one of them for the little kindnesses they've bestowed on me with their comments, messages and the occasional surprise gift.  Some of these names are well known in our blogging world but I encourage you to check out any that you don't recognise as each one of them is far too awesome to be missed!  The only order to the list is that it's (roughly) chronological in terms of when I found them:   

Lynn Mangan

Karen Baker

Kim Singdahlsen

Laurie Willison

Therese Calvird

Emily Leiphart

Kasia Curry

Amy Tsuruta

Brandi Hall

Tenia Nelson

Lisa Arana

Jay Gee

Chan Vuong

Jocelyn Olson

Stacy Rogers

Helen Fournier

Jenny Mullens

Jackie Rockwell

JJ Bolton

Jessi Fogan

Lindsey Martin-Penny

N@ Ali

Christy Q

Maureen Morton

Erin Thiem


Michelle Williams

Darnell Knauss

Melissa Chipperfield

Ardyth Percy-Robb

Tracey McNeely

Rosemary Dennis

Maureen Merritt

Meghan McMillan

Judy Marino


Chrissy Larson

Kelly Griglione

Kimberley Wiener

Gillian Ross


  1. Oh, it's been official in MY book for some time now, are TOTALLY Moxie Fab! Congratulations, girl! So well deserved. (I LOVE your picture...your mom must be so proud to have you as a daughter!) You have no idea how shocked and honored I was to see my name on your list in this post...that is an honor for ME! Thank you, my friend, it is an honor to be on the CASology Design Team with you! Enjoy the spotlight, you earned it!

  2. Congratulations Jen, so well deserved! Going to hop over there now and have a nose! Thank u for my shout out on your list, it's truly an honour to be mentioned in amongst the other wonderful ladies

  3. Doing a big huge happy dance for you too! What an awesome and super, super well deserved are amazingly Moxie Fab and I think you answered the questions so well. Here's hoping that one day soon we get to meet in person my friend. That would be beyond awesome. Thank you so much for the sweet shout out...I was just telling someone the other day about you ordering all the SU colors and inks! Love it! Hugs to you Jen! xoxo

  4. Congrats Jen your recognition is well deserved! You have mega talent and your cards ROCK!!! I'm so glad we met up in blogland and had the opportunity to be on a DT together. I'm so surprised and honored to be included in your list of blog friends.


  5. Woohoo, congrats! A well deserved honor! I so love and admire your fun CAS style. I'm heading over to read your interview now. I can't wait to learn more about the amazing woman behind the cards :)
    (PS-thanks for the shout out, you are so sweet!)

  6. About time is what I say - I knew you were Moxie Fab from the first time we met! Congratulations and thanks so much for including me in your list - very honoured to be amongst so many talented friends!

  7. Congratulations!
    So very well deserved!

  8. Congratulations Jen - love your CAS cards! I'm going to work my way through your links - some I know, but there are a few new-to-me names, so thanks for adding this resource.

  9. I'm celebrating my first year of card-making and you have been one of my shining lights of inspiration from nearly the beginning. Every visit to your site has been an inspiration; every post a delight; every comment on my 'attempts' an encouragement. Your creativity and talents, paired with your enthusiasm and zest for card-making, as well as your INCREDIBLE support for you mom (what an amazing daughter you are; what an amazing mom you have!), reveals what a gift you are to this crafting community. Moxie Fab? Only 1,000,000%!!! Celebrate heartily and merrily today!

  10. About time is right! You are THE BEST and I love ya! Isn't today just like being queen of the Internets? :D

  11. Loved reading your post over at the Moxie Fab blog this morning :) Congratulations!

  12. Huge congrats, Jen! I am off to read and learn more about you on the Moxie Fab blog! Well deserved in my book. :)

  13. You've always been FAB to me, Jen!! Congratulations on the official designation by Moxie Cath!! I'm SO excited for you!!

    Thank you, sweetie, for including my name on this esteemed list of card artists! There are a few names that a new to me so thank you for the links. I love broadening my crafty and inspiration highway, so I'll check them out!!

    Enjoy this moment! You deserve every second of the fame!! Hugs, Darnell

  14. Yay!,, it's official.... We always knew you were Moxie Fab my old friend *wink* I'm sure if you asked all these lovely ladies you've listed they'd all say what an inspiration you are to us and that includes me too :0) so happy to see your name on the Moxie Fab blog, well done me old mate!!
    Jenny xx

  15. Congratulations, Jen - your honor is so well-deserved. And it seems just like you to list other people's names on the day that YOU are being honored. I am proud to be on your list. Isn't it an amazing world of cardmakers and bloggers that we get to play in??

  16. Yay! Girl you are so Moxie Fab! I am soooooo excited for you! I loved your article and your cards that were represented! It is amazing what you did for your mom with your haircut. You truly are amazing (I mean Moxie Fab)!

  17. Yay, you go, Jen! So happy to see you featured and I'm lucky to have met you!! Love that you shaved your head to support your mom. ♥

  18. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
    We've all know you're Moxie Fab, silly girl! a Big Woot Woot to you! Soooo happy for ya!

    Thanks for the shout out♡♡

  19. Of course you are Moxie Fab-licious Jen!! I was so so excited to see your name in lights today and you are so deserving. I have always been a fan of your uber creative style and I am honored to have made your list. ~congrats and hugs!

  20. I just read ur interview and its perfection just like ur cards. The thought that comes first to the mind is from the heart and ur interview was just that :) I was wondering what took them sooooo long to see a real Moxielicious Moxie Fabber in you :) your style shouts fun and pun, it shouts cute and intelligent, it shouts color and CAS :)

    Loved to know u better :) and thank you for including me in ur list :) I am honored to be among all the great crafters :)

  21. Congrats! Love your creations and enjoy your blog! Your post on Moxie Fab world was terrific!

  22. Congratulations Jen!! A well deserved honor. Love your Moxie Fab interview.

  23. Congrats on everyone else now knowing you are MOXIE FAB, Jen! I have know for a very long time :)
    Love your interview and, of course, your creative cards.
    Thank you so much for including my name on this list of crafty ladies and thank you for always leaving comments when visiting my blog ~ so sweet of you!
    My thoughts and prayers for your Mom~you are a wonderful supportive daughter and friend. {{HUGS}}

  24. um, YAY, this is HUGE and EXCITING news!!! What a well-deserved honor for you, Jen! I'm a big fan of your work and it's just awesome to know that when I click over to MFW in just a few minutes I'm going to get to know you a little better. How nice of you to provide such a good resource with all the links here ... I'm going to check out the ones I'm not familiar with. So looks like I'll be procrastinating on household things much longer than I intended to : ) Very honored to be included in your list, as well!

  25. You have been a EXTRA SUPER FABBY Gal ever since I have met you in blogland Jen! Your always FUN, FUN and take it on attitude is so inspiring!! Your creations rock, and you set the bar for FUN!

    I am so excited, happy - it is so well deserved!


  26. That's fantastic Jen, totally awesome news for me to come home to and something you thoroughly deserve ... big love to you and the fam xxx

  27. I made your list! :-) Thanks, Jen! You're on my "list", too.

    Congratulations on being named Moxie Fabber of the week! I always knew that you were Moxie Fab, so it is no surprise! You look good with a shaved head, and such a lovely daughter you are to support your Mum that way. I hope your Mum is back to full health in super-quick time.

  28. After seeing the tribute on MFW, I just HAD to come check you out. I don't follow a lot of blogs for the very reason you mentioned (who has the time?) but I'm definitely adding yours to my list. I applaud you in your support of your mother and the friend you have been to unseen bloggy friends. Kudos to you!

  29. I was SO excited to see you as this week's Moxie Fabber, Jen! You already know I love your card style and chatting back and forth with you. Enjoy the well-earned tribute! :)

  30. Jen, this is SO very well deserved, my friend! You are such an inspiration yourself with those fantastic, smile-evoking CAS cards of yours! :) I am so excited for you!!!! When I saw my name on your list I was thinking, "Really?!!" It is such an honor to have you as a CASology team mate and also as a friend. Hugs!

  31. Congratulations in a huge way for being Moxie Fab. Of course, I am the last to know because I have been absent in blog land for just a few days, which is all it takes to fall behind. You will like part of the reason--we got a puppy--my very first dog. A real sweetie, but time consuming. Anyhoo--I have known forever that you are moxie fab, and sweet as sugar, too. But, now it is official, and I could not be happier for you. I am heading over right now to learn more about you. And, thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting me on your list. I am floored to be in such company.

  32. Girl!!!!! You are Moxie Fab and you sooooooooooooo DESERVE it!!!! I LURVE you....that is all!!!! So so so so so so happy for ya!!! Woot Woot!! :) :)

  33. Thanks for the love!!! You ROCK, Miss Lady!!! I am soooooo stoked that we are blog buds!!! Woot Woot!!! :) :)

  34. Long overdue, my glad that you've joined our ranks. Cath is the best and she knew what she was doing when she spotlighted you. Heading over to read all about it....big hugs to a most creative and generous spirit. Thanks for the nod, too, sweetie.

  35. You are so totally Moxie Jen! Loved loved reading more about you and got just a little choked up reading about your mum, she is so lucky to have you around, I'll bet she knows you are Moxie too! Hugs and kisses across the sea miles GF, Therese x

  36. I was super happy to see your gorgeous face on the Moxie Fab blog! I couldn't have picked a more FAB person to be featured. You are an amazing woman, Jen and I'm SO SO happy to have gotten to know you.

  37. Jen!!! Yay!! Congrats girl! You are fabulous! So deserving of this, my dear!! Hugs to you!

  38. Congratulations and so well deserved Miss Jen. I find you equally as awesome as Cath does, and continue to love your creations. I've had some serious family problems come my way in the last months and I'm so sorry that I haven't been by here to comment every time you post one of your magnificent creations. I hope that my life will get back to normal someday (soon?) and that I can continue to devote the time needed to express my awe at your inspiring creations! Congratulations again for being Moxie Fab, you deserve it!

  39. Congrats on your Moxie Fab status! It was fun reading more about you and seeing so many of your fantastic creations in one post.

  40. Of COURSE you're Moxie Fab, Jen!! We've all known that for a long time! :D Huge, HUGE congratulations on being spotlighted -- it couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. :o) And shaving your head to support your mum? You are greater than great. I really hope she's doing well!
    Thank you so much for the shout-out, Jen -- it really gave me the warm & fuzzies when I saw that.
    Humble and I so appreciate Atticus' sloppy kisses, and we're sending some right back with the addition of squishy hugs. :D Humble thinks Atticus is "Pawesome". You are, too!!


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