
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

CASology #56

Welcome to Week 56 of CASology!  Here's the cue word for this week:

This week we are celebrating my favourite meal!!  LOL!  Dessert is definitely dangerous territory for me.  My sweet tooth is a not so sweet - more like extremely bossy and demanding!  Lately I've been on a Hershey's Kiss kick.  They're small enough that I can have one without feeling too much guilt while still providing a lot of flavour.  Normally I only have one and then go about my business but a few had to be sacrificed for this card so I took one for the team and ate them all.  :)  What desserts make your mouth water?  Check out what the rest of the DT is craving and then show us your stuff!

And this week's guest designer:

Link your creations to the CASology blog and remember that submissions are due by 4pm CST on Sunday, August 11th.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (Chocolate & sentiment from Chocolate Volume 1) Skipping Stones Design
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up


  1. Jen, we appreciate your 'sacrifice' in making this card! lol! Love this idea and the authentic tag!

  2. Love the inspired bits of aluminum, so FUN, FUN, FUN, love it.

  3. Adore those kisses and the foil is such a great add on!

  4. This card has your signature wry sense of humour Jen! Love it! Too bad that a few chocolates had to be sacrificed for the sake of art!

  5. oh my goodness!... now you've put a whole new spin on the challenge!! I never thought of sacrificing chocolate for a card *wink* Brillo card... love the crumpled foil too :0)
    Jenny x

  6. What a tough job having to eat those chocolates! All in the name of crafting:). Fab card too, love the sentiment

  7. That's the best reason to eat chocolate - "But I had to! I needed it for a card!" lol :D You nut! The foil totally makes this card, so it was all worth it :)

  8. What an idea :) outstanding , u r simply awesome in ur ideas. I like the crumpled foil pieces :)

  9. I love this card! It was totally worth your selfless sacrifice. ;) Mmm, chocolate...

  10. oh the things we do for our craft!! fabulous card, jen... totally fabulous!

  11. Hee hee....super CUTE!!! I just LURVE this!!!! :)

  12. Oh, wow, I had a huge belly laugh over your comment that you just eat one! Oh, wait, were you SERIOUS? I have a three-piece minimum at my candy bar!

    Jen, honestly, this is so perfectly genius!! It's lucky for the rest of us that you are on the DT or we wouldn't even bother linking up a card! Genius!!


  13. This is adorable, and I totally agree with your sentiment. And, I love hershey kisses, too.

  14. Way to take one for the team, Jen...somebody had to do it! LOVE this fun card, that sentiment makes me laugh (I love that kind of humor!)! Great CAS card, very FUN!


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