
Monday, May 13, 2013

Play Date Flutter

Today was not a good card day.  It was one of those days when I did a lot of flipping through stamps, scanning challenge sites and letting out world weary sighs.  *Sigh*  I did finally manage to get a card done for the Play Date Cafe though so I am grateful that it wasn't a complete and total loss.  Of course, now that I have my card and the colour palette on screen together they look like two different challenges!!  Doh!  Ah well. Tomorrow is another day!  I'm also going to enter this in the Simon Says Stamp challenge for Things With Wings.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White & peach) Bazzill, (Blue & apricot) Paperbilities
Stamps:  (Butterfly from Flap Happy, Cloud from Sunny Side Up, Argyle from Debonair, Sentiment from Chit Chat) Paper Smooches
Inks:  (VersaMark, VersaFine) Tsukineko, (Dried Marigold Distress Ink) Ranger
Gems:  Recollections


  1. No Jen, you have the right colors!!!

    I think the pic for the challenge is a little off. Great colors, super cute stamps!

    Thanks for your time and your comments always appreciated!

  2. Some days are like that--but one seriously awesome card should make up for all the rest. I'm loving those butterflies paired with the houndstooth.

  3. I was having the same type of crafting day too. Your card is fresh and springy, the sentiment in the cloud is adorable!!!

  4. Jen, I hate days like that! At least you came out with a gorgeous card at the end of it all! :-) I think your colours work fine. I haven't been able to come up with anything for those colours, mainly because I couldn't figure out what they were, LOL!

  5. Love this card, Jen! The colors are fresh and inspiring - definitely cheerful and will brighten up anyone's day. I hope today is a brand new and inspiring crafty day for you!

  6. Who cares if your tones are a little bolder than theirs! Makes for a beautiful card! (I've been having more like weeks of the day you're describing...)

  7. Aww those sort of days are pants :0( you made this pretty card though and they're tricky colours to work with!!
    Love the tone on tone argyle :0)
    Jenny x

  8. This is gorgeous - what lovely colours you've used. Thank you for joining us over at the Simon Says Stamp challenge. Hugs, Dawny x

  9. Letting out the world-weary! I laugh because OMG, I do the same thing. When the sighs turn to "ARGHS" I leave the desk :) I love the pretty peach clouds - such a fun way to make a sky!

  10. Oh how I love this card! Butterflies make me happy! Fabulous design! Thank you for playing along with The Play Date Cafe!

  11. I'm having one of those weeks where inspiration... well it just isn't there, hundreds of stamps and not the right one lol. (I'm blaming my night duty brain). I love anything butterfly and this is so pretty Jen, what a great way to find inspiration.... maybe I'll give it a try myself.

  12. butterfly happiness! so darling.


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