
Thursday, April 18, 2013

CAS(E) This Sketch #24

Welcome to Week 24 of CAS(E) This Sketch!  Take a look at this week's sketch designed by N@ Ali:  

Lots of fabulous entries for last week's sketch and I'm hoping to see even more this week! N@'s sketch offers lots of possibilities.  Go check out what the rest of the design team has come up with and then be sure and play along!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Real Red)  Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Both from Jan '13 KOM - All Hearts & Love) Unity Stamp Co
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko


  1. I absolutely adore this card. Awesome take on the sketch.

  2. LOVE this - great take on the sketch!

  3. Clever! I love the beating heart!

  4. What an neat idea for the sketch!! Won't SOMEONE feel special when they get this card ;)

  5. Oh now that's too clever.... I love what you did here :0)
    Like Kirsty said, someone is going to love receiving this card :0)
    Jenny x

  6. First... LOVE your clever idea. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Second... it makes me so giddy to see you use stamps I designed. Talk about making my heart skip a beat. Hugs.

  7. This is perfect, Jen. So awesome in it's CASness!

  8. Please make a note somewhere to repost this for 2014 Valentine's Day, Jen! It is extraordinary! I'm pinning it, too. It's so perfect for ANY day when you want to give someone the best heart card EVER!!

  9. OK, did someone say BEST CARD EVR? This is a total winner...could be used for Valentine's Day or any day of the year! Perfect take on the challenge, too!

  10. This is just so perfect. I love that giant heart, and where did you ever find a heart beat stamp? I agree--this could be a valentine or an I love you any time card, male or female.

  11. omg this is genius! I love the heartbeat - that just...oh em gee. SO perfect!

  12. Oh, Jen! This is so fun and absolutely PERFECT for the sketch. How do you do that? LOVE IT!

  13. Cool! this really stands out from the crowd!

  14. CLEVER, CLEVER CLEVER ~ Love your take on the sketch!

  15. Very cool card, Jen...and super ingenious!!

  16. EVERY time I see you use this ECG stamp I have this urge to *need* it and that hasn't changed one little bit (doncha hate being on a budget). Another fantastic card Jen!

  17. This is too cute! Love how you incorporated the sketch!

  18. Awesome! Absolutely love this design. So clever!

  19. Oh my, Jen...this is a FAB card!

  20. Jen, this CARD makes my heart skip a beat! Gorgeous!


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