
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Colour Blocked Bunnies

Hello there!  I feel like it's been ages since I spent a good chunk of time in Blogland!  The last couple of weeks have just flown by.  I was busy in the Craft Cave with a special order for 75 cards so there wasn't much time for challenges.  I also did some extra shifts at work and we all took part in a dental course yesterday.  I confess that I was dreading it but it turned out to be pretty interesting thanks to an enthusiastic and inspired teacher.  

Today I finally managed to play along with some challenges. I used the colours from The Colour Throwdown and the colour blocks required by CAS-ual Fridays to make a bright and fun Easter card.  The bunnies are embossed in white and then outlined with the same colour as the cardstock to make them pop a bit.  I'm hoping that this week will be a bit calmer and that I'll get back to catching up with everyone and making some more card of course!  

Before I go I just had to share the other project I got up to this weekend.  We've been having problems with our washing machine and after a bit of research I discovered it's a well known issue for the model and there's a recall on the computer board.  Unfortunately, being in Bermuda, I can't just call up Whirlpool and have them send someone over to replace it for free like I could if I lived in the US.  So I figured out what the replacement part was, had it shipped in and Luis and I replaced it ourselves.  And guess what?  It worked! Whoop whoop!  I was so proud of us especially as it would have cost up a fortune to find someone to come and replace it for us.  Maybe we ought to start a side business...  

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Calypso Coral, So Saffron, Pool Party, Crumb Cake)  Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (All from Grey Hares) Skipping Stones Designs
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Markers:  (R22, Y21, BG10) Copic


  1. I am struggling with finding the time for blogland at the moment too Jen! Way to go fixing the washing machine - lucky you didn't have to resort to the old ringer :)

    Fun Easter Card, I love that bunny image and the colours are gorgeous.

  2. Jen I love your dancing bunnies! So much fun!

  3. AWESOME card!! The colored lines you traced around the embossed bunnies really does make them POP!! LOVE that!!! FABULOUS take on both challenges!! And GREAT job fixing your washing machine!!!

  4. Will you come to San Diego and fix my washer? Good job. Your card for today is extra cute.

  5. Okay...I'm in awe of the fact that you fixed your own washer...that is awesome!

    And life has been so crazy...sounds like it has been for you too! I wish it would slow down so that there was a ton more time for blogging! I love your card today...the bunnies are adorable!

  6. You are such a "get 'er done" kind of girl, Jen! I love it. And, yes, you should definitely put yourselves up on the local Craig's List or community bulletin board. You could call it your "stamping money!"

    Your colorblock bunny card is super cute!!

  7. That dancing rabbit cracks me up, he looks very cartoon like left as a line drawing :0)
    James would be very proud of you as well as thankful if it meant he could watch more washing going round... great job :0)
    Jenny x

  8. What a super fun card!

    Congrats on sorting out your washing machine too!

  9. What a fun repeating image! Love how the white pops against the blocks of color. Thanks for sharing this with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  10. What an awesome card, Jen! Love the colour-block look for this. The way you outlined the bunnies is subtle but totally works.

  11. Love the color blocking design you used for this fun image! Thanks for playing along with us at Color Throwdown!

  12. WOOT on the huge card order! That wouldn't leave much time for anything else :)
    Mmm, least you didn't have to volunteer to get in the chair?
    Way to go, fixing your own washer! We had problems with our old one & got told the same thing - it's a 'known' problem. Well, thanks for selling it to us, right ;) :P

  13. awww.... this makes me smile! adorable card! thanks for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays this week! =)

  14. LOVE this! I love the white embossing! Thanks for joining us at the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

  15. 75 cards?! Are you kidding - you are so amazing. Like the energizer bunny, Jen....always going. Love this bunny - it looks like he is doing Kung-Fu or something. Color blocks are cool.

  16. Adorable bunnies, Jen! The different heights really makes them look like they're hoppin' around the card. So glad you joined the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge this week!

    And, can't believe you were brave enough to tackle the computer board on your washer ... very impressive!

  17. Love that bunny image and the way you colour blocked it. My washing machine just died with a very electric burning smell, which I doubt is the computer board - probably the motor. We'll have to see how much that's going to cost! lol!

  18. I'm missing too many posts! Working five days is totally cramping my style, bah! Your card is super cute, love the colour-blocked bunnies. Your mechanical/electrical skills are amazing! Well done on fixing that washer! :-)


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