
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Can You Keep A Secret?

This card came to me one night as I was falling asleep and neither Luis nor Atticus was impressed when I leapt out of bed to find some paper and a pencil to make note of it.  :)  Note to self:  Keep a notepad on my bedside table full...  I'm playing along with the Speech Bubble challenge at the Moxie Fab World.  I thought of bottling up an important secret and closing the lid tight so it won't get out.  It gave me a reason to finally ink up this lovely Unity mason jar.  And what would I do without my Lawn Fawn alphabet stamps for making my own sentiments?  :)  Hope you all have a lovely weekend.  After a few weeks of dismal weather we finally have some sunshine!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Lucky Limeade, Island Indigo Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Mason jar from Dec '11 KOM - Filled With Love) Unity Stamp Co, (Speech bubble from He Said, She Said) Paper Smooches, (Jessie's ABCs) Lawn Fawn
Ink:  (VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Gems:  Michaels
Washi Tape:  Crafty Basics


  1. This is so much fun Jen, it will be hard to keep this one a secret though.

  2. I agree! The LF alphabets are the best! I won't buy any others!

    LOL on you jumping outta bed with the idea! Most people besides cardmakers wouldn't understand!!!

    Glad you've got sunshine! Off to St Thomas this week........hopefully for a week of sunshine!!

  3. This is fun, and so clever, too. No, I can't keep a secret. I'm terrible like that.

  4. Haha! This is delightful! What a great idea! It was worth leaping out of bed for, Jen. :-)

  5. Amazing, dear one - now, get some sleep. This is so creative; I'm not surprised. Good luck with the challenge.

  6. Haha that conjured up a great image in my head!!!
    Fabulous idea too, love the bold urban together :0)
    Jenny x

  7. Enjoy the sunshine...we're supposed to get more snow today...yuck! I love this card...the color combo is awesome as well as the fabulous sentiments.

  8. So so clever and such a fun card. Definitely worth waking up the fam lol.

  9. I'm impressed that your ideas are GOOD at that time! Usually if I'm forced to get out of bed to write it down it's something ridiculous that makes no sense in daylight!
    I think this is just a super-cool take on the idea!

  10. This is sooo fun! Love the colours. Brilliant idea - a winner for sure.

  11. Hey Jen! Thanks for linking this up to the Speech Bubble Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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