
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sparks Hello

Happy Saturday! It's been a gorgeous day here - sunny but cool and dry. Atticus has really enjoyed it as we took him for a swim, played ball and went for a walk. Now he's totally crashed out on his bed paddling his paws and dreaming doggie dreams - probably about those chickens he didn't manage to catch on his walk!  LOL! 

Anyway, on to my card which is for the Paper Smooches Picture Perfect challenge and also for the Anything Goes challenge at Simon Says Stamp.  I was inspired by the colors, the colour block bedding, the white bird on the wooden dresser and the studs on the headboard.  It turned out as quite a masculine card and I like the graphicness of it.  

Now I'm off to hit the shower.  Tomorrow is Luis' birthday and also my mom's birthday so we're going to dinner tonight with some family.  Next Sunday is my brother's birthday and my goddaughter's Christening and at the end of the month is my dear friend Louise's birthday.  A very busy month!  

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Pumpkin Pie, Bashful Blue, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Bird from Folkal Points, Speech bubble from He Said, She Said, Hello from Word Salad, Hip To Be Square) Paper Smooches
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Impression Plate:  (Woodgrain) Papertrey Ink  


  1. I love the colour blocking on this! It looks fab!

    Kerry Louise

  2. Perfect white embossing (of course) and the graphic colour blocking looks terrific.

  3. Love it! I love the bold blocks of colour! Happy Birthday to Luis and your Mom. Have a great night out!

  4. Fab Fun take on the TT! How cute is that little bird with the speech bubble! Sounds like you are going to need some cards this month... do you know where you might get some?

  5. Oh MAN ... LOVE, LOVE the little white bird on the orange!!! FANtastic!! The shiny silver is perfect on this graphic card. Lots of birthdays this month ... good thing you're a card-maker : )

  6. Love this. That color is so masculine and happy at the same time, and your layout is great.

  7. Love the touch of texture and the layout Jen! The touch of bling is perfect. Thanks so much for playing with us at PaperSmooches Sparks!

  8. This so caught my eye, Jen, wonderful colour blocking, lots of texture and the white birdie on the orange is so crisp and perfect ... white ink/embossing on anything doesn't seem to work so well for me ... more practice needed I think! Anita :)

  9. This is a winner - you have absolutely PERFECTLY caught the feel of the inspiration, while making a card that also stands on its own. Well done!

  10. Perfect for the challenge! Love the colour blocking.

  11. Love the graphic design and bold colours. x

  12. I love the color blocking on your card! And you noticed those silver upholstery things on the headboard! I didn't really catch those until after I posted my card! Great interpretation!

  13. Looking good over here, Jen! This is soooo perfect and a great take on the pic. I am learning from you every day - you ARE the rock star! Love this so much.

  14. Yep, already commented, but wanted to add ... congratulations on being Paper Smooches Pro winner this week ... fab, fab card! Anita :)

  15. WOOT on your win! Scratch a couple items off that mile-long wish list :) Woohoo!
    I LOVE the colour blocking & the brads - too cool!
    Happy birthday to your lovies! We have a similar birthday rush in December :)

  16. LOOOOOOOVE the use of brads--and this card design!!! FAB card all around:) THANKS so much for joining in the fun over at the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge-- hope you join in the fun with this week's polka dot challenge:) <3

  17. This is one I missed but it appeared on the PS blog!!! Congrats on winning the sparks challenge girlie, love the vibrant colour blocking and how you used the key elements from the photo :0)
    Love your two on Flickr Friday too, woot woot :0)
    Jenny x


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