
Thursday, February 21, 2013

CAS(E) This Sketch #16

Welcome to Week 16 of CAS(E) This Sketch!  Take a look at this week's sketch designed by Karolyn Loncon:

Today's sketch seemed to me like a great opportunity to use some patterned paper.  I was just saying to Lynn the other day that I needed to remember to stamp on patterned paper more often.  Perfect timing!  :) The papers are from the Authentique Freebird:  Endless & Fair-Weather collection and the stamps are from Vintage Clocks by The Craft's Meow.  Time to share your creations!  I can't wait to see what gorgeousness you bring our way this week!  Be sure and check out all the stunners on the CAS(E) This Sketch blog by the rest of the DT before you get started.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Patterned Paper:  (Freebird:  Endless & Fair-Weather collection) Authentique
Stamps:  (Clock & sentiment from Vintage Clocks) The Craft's Meow
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Gems:  (Tangerine assortment) Doodlebug


  1. What a great combination of colours, papers and image! Interesting sketch this week; I really like this interpretation of it.

  2. Sensational, Jen! I love the numbered paper with the clock with the sentiment. One rockin' and balanced theme card!!

  3. I love the numbers on that panel - makes it feel like time is dragging as you miss the person.

  4. Nope, gotta say something else - I love how you 'funkified' (gotta spell that carefully!) that very classic, traditional clock with the dp and the sentiment - and it all works so well together!

  5. Perfect combination!!!

    Off to play with this sketch!

  6. Love that big ole clock and that numbered paper is perfect,

  7. that beautiful grandfather clock and I hope there were no embossing accidents!

  8. oooh, patterned paper, and is that embossing too, LoVe it Jen. Great take on what I thought was a challenging sketch (but then all sketches are challenging to me lol).

  9. Love that clock Jen, great colours and I love your CAS approach!

  10. You are right about this being a great sketch. How fun to have the numbers and the clock together.

  11. That number paper couldn't be more perfect with that fun clock & sentiment! And embossing...I nearly had a Jen moment with my white EP yesterday ;)

  12. Love the tall appearance that the clock gives your card Jen! I always forget to stamp on patterned paper too. What a great look!!!

  13. Wow, Jen! This card totally pops. The colors are great and I love the white everything! Such a nice change from black sentiments and images. LOVE it!

  14. I never look at a sketch and think patterned paper....and I should do (see earlier comment!)
    Love these strong colours you put're much more brave than I am , they look awesome :0)
    Jenny x


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