
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Darnell & Mister!

After the lovely Darnell shared this phwoar picture of her hubby it came to light that today is their wedding anniversary!  If you've never visited Darnell then you must because not only is she hilarious but she's super sweet and supportive.  She also has a fantabulous crafty playhouse in her garden.  Not jealous at all... or much anyway...  :)  After making the anniversary discovery Ardyth gathered a few of us together to wish Darnell and Mister a very happy one!  Big love and hugs to you, Darnell

Rumour has it that Darnell will be posting wedding photos today so Ardyth asked us each to share a picture from our own wedding.  Luis and I went the Registry Office route for our day, deciding to spend our money on a lavish honeymoon instead!  :)  Here's a picture after the event:

And one from before the event.  It's typical of our family - my brother goofing off, me laughing hysterically and mom wondering where she went wrong...  :)

If you get a moment, pop over and say Happy Anniversary to Darnell, read a post or three and explore her playhouse! 

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Real Red, Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Banner from Bannerific, Letters from Smitty's ABCs) Lawn Fawn
Ink:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Gems:  (Bling It Designer Rhinestones) Basic Grey


  1. Aww, you guys looked cute on your wedding day! And your brother made me laugh out loud. Great card, Jen, perfect for the occasion!

  2. Love your pictures Jen and your card is absolute perfect for Darnell!

  3. Thanks for sharing your photos! This card is perfect!

  4. the pics and your brother cracks me up.

  5. Darnell is awesome :) Love her blog!
    And your wedding pictures? Fabulousness! I often get the same feeling off my mom - how did I break these children?? lol

  6. What a fabulous card - love the playing card theme!! And the photos from your wedding are such fun! Gotta love families!!

  7. What a clever anniversary card. It really pops!
    Heather T

  8. Great card, Jen and fab wedding photo's ... love the beautiful bouquet and buttonhole! Anita :)

  9. Love your photo. You look like such a fun bunch. What a fun card you made for her, too.

  10. Thanks so much for joining in the fun, Jen! Love your 'before and after' pics - too funny! Especially your long-suffering mom! lol! Your card is perfect - very you, with the rich colours!

  11. Jen I love your card, so perfectly CAS, Darnell will love it. Thanks for sharing your fun wedding photos too, what a great idea Ardyth had!

  12. Awww, you're so beautiful Jen! Look at those dimples! And Himself is equally hot!! Your family looks like my kinda hoot and a half family. I loved the comment about your Mom. (So, you also automatically make imaginary balloon captions over peoples' heads when you look at photos? How fun is that?!)

    Thank you so much for dedicating your post to me and Mister! We are both so overwhelmed!

    And thank you for all the wonderful things you said about me and my wee blog. I enjoy yours as well and appreciate your support!

    Your card is brilliant! I LOVE it! I've made a special board on my Pinterest for all the fun and fab cards we are receiving, thanks to that sneaky Ardyth!!

    Thank you for posting the wedding photo! It is so unique and so fun to have wedding pic thumbnails to view of all our Bloggerville friends!

    Finally, what day is your anni so I can return the flavor and wish you and Luis feelystations on your special day? Please let me know.

    Thanks again! Mwah! Darnell

  13. Fabulous! Love your card and those FAB pics! TFS!

  14. Great idea for a card, Jen! And, that picture captures it I feel like I know you even better. Happy Day, sweet kiddo!

  15. Aww, you guys look so awesome! What a clever idea for a card too, turned out great!

  16. Oh wow this is a really fun card Jen! Love your photos, looks like your brother had a great time too! :)

  17. What a perfect card for Darnell! Love the fun photos from your wedding.

  18. That's such a great card and I love your photos! Your family looks like they're a lot of fun.


  19. Aww, you haven't changed a bit, have you? Love that you shared these pics, and what an awesome anniversary card.


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