
Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Quart of Trees

I was excited to find two current challenges, Embellish and The Paper Players, that asked us to use trees on our projects.  I'm not sure why but I love tree stamps and I really have way too many of them.  Or not.  Can you ever have too many stamps?  Do you ever feel like no matter how many you have, sometimes you don't have just the right stamp for your card?  Despite how many tree stamps I have it took forever to find the right one for this card but I finally settled on this tree from Bella Trees, one of the first Unity sets I ever bought.  I used the colors from the Embellish challenge and I wanted to enter it in the Gallon/Quart/Pint challenge at the Moxie Fab World.  Cath says, "When following this rule, neutrals don't count" so the blue is the gallon, the green is the quart and the yellow is the pint.

Here's the latest map on Hurricane Leslie.  Preparations are in full swing!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Old Olive, So Saffron, Pool Party, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up

Stamps:  (Tree from Bella Trees Unity Stamp Co, (Sentiment from Hippie Chic) Market Street Stamps
Ink: (Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Impression Plate:  (Linen & Canvas) PTI
Gems:  (Lily White assortment) Doodlebug
Copic:  Y21


  1. FANTASTIC use of the colors!

    I'll be glued to the news hoping and praying for you.

  2. Such a cool row of trees! Love seeing them all in a row. Stay safe!

  3. LOVE this card Jen! The one yellow tree really pops!!!

  4. I feel exactly the same way about snowflakes! Love the cool shape of that tree!

  5. What an awesome clean and classy card! I LOVE this tree stamp! Thanks for playing with The Paper Players!

  6. Those trees are so cool. I love the colors. ann Y.

  7. Fingers still crossed Leslie will change course!! Fabulous row of trees, I love there shape so much and clever how you used the colours for the challenge :0)
    Hoping Leslie wont interfere in Hannah's flight home from NZ either!!
    Jenny x

  8. FABulous take on the challenges! Those trees are supa funky!

  9. This is the trees and sentiment!

    Stay safe!!

  10. I like this example of gallon/quart/pint! The bling adds just the right touch.
    I'm not so much that way with trees, but birds, butterflies, flowers, cats, Christmas... okay I'll stop. :D

  11. LOVE this bold, delightful creation! Awesome colors and that tree image is great! Thanks for playing at the Paper Players this week!

  12. Such a fab card, jen! Love that color combo and those cool trees. All around fresh and fun for fall! Thanks so much for joining us this week over at the Paper Players! :)

  13. I love tree stamps too. So clean and perfectly executed. Stay safe and hoping Leslie passes by with out harm.

  14. Live the colours you've used in your card :-) Sally

  15. Brilliantly done! I do love a tree stamp too! Vicky x

  16. Love it! and I love the card design handbook. Batten down the hatches. Be well

  17. Great card, Jen! I love those colors and the tree images ~ You are so inspiring :)

  18. I have tree stamps that have never seen ink and you have inspired me to dig them out. This is stunning - perfect for the challenges. Love it ALL - so much goodness. A gallon of greatness!

  19. Gorgeous! And I'm with you: so many tree stamps! Love them, and love this card.

  20. Hey Jen! Thanks for linking this up to the Gallon/Quart/Pint Challenge in the Moxie Fab World. I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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