
Friday, August 3, 2012


I've been dreaming for ages about this week off from work and I was sure I would spend it happily holed up in the Craft Cave carding away.  But have I?  Of course not.  For some reason I got a cleaning bee in my bonnet and have been having a massive clear out and tidy which has stolen away most of my time.  The rest of it has been lost to the Olympics.  What is that about?  *Sigh*  I did manage to create a card for Unity's Friends With Flair blog hop though.  I've been neglecting the hop lately and wanted to ink up this fabulous stamp that I got using my publication incentive.  I love that patterned paper but I only have a small piece of it that came in a variety pack.  Does anyone know who makes it?  Okay, back to sorting and, hopefully, a little more cardmaking!  Have a lovely weekend!  :)    

Supplies Used
Cardstock: (Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Love Life) Unity
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embssing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Punch:  (Corner punch) Marvy Uchida)
Gems:  (Beetle Black) Doodlebug


  1. Great Card! I never would have thought about embossing an image on patterned paper like that - thanks!

  2. I must give this a try. Love the image that you used. One of my favourite stamps.

  3. well the embossing is stunning and even better than there were no embossing accidents either :) I love the image on the patterned paper. I'm 100% addicted to the Olympics and exhausted as a result! I can't stay up until 11:30 :)!!

  4. Love that stamp, and the perfect gems. No idea on the paper, sorry, but guess what? I had an embossing event of my own! And it was Fran-tage powder, which has glitter, powder, and enamel...and Abby was underneath me when it happened. I laughed & thought of you while I cleaned it up :)

  5. Amazing, love it! Love that imagery!

  6. I love this card! That is one of my favorite stamps too!

  7. Terrific card! Great idea on the embossing.

  8. Great embossing and great card too.

  9. Gorgeous! I love how you embossed it on patterned paper. So fabulous!

  10. Love ur card. Also the name of your blog.

  11. What a fabulous way to use the silhouette stamp Jen - gorgeous :)

  12. Absolutely fabulous, Jen! I love the white embossing on patterned paper, gorgeous! I hope you get the tidying finished quickly enough to allow yourself lots of time in the craft cave. :-)

  13. Ew, cleaning instead of crafting? What's that about? and yes, the lure of the Olympics -- it's hard to resist!
    This image is stunning in white... so unexpected, and so awesome!

  14. If you need anything else to clean please let me know :) Great card!!

  15. It happens... my big weekend ended up with me being sick with a cold... luckily I was well enough to go back to work on Monday... Anyhoo, I'm trying to make up for it this weekend.. and now I've been washing windows all day (go figure)! ps Love your image on the dp!

  16. Fabulous card! The CAS design is striking and beautiful!

    I was wondering...can I borrow that cleaning bee?

  17. It has been so hot that I have not gotten to the cleaning. Okay, I did suck up some black lab hair that was rolling around. Does that count?

    You lady looks wonderful embossed in white!

  18. Wow! This is cool! I have never seen this stamp before.

  19. awesome card. I got the cleaning bee in me recently and also spent way too much time watching olympics :)

  20. Such a great design and message. I recently acquired some colored embossing powders-looking forward to putting some in use.

  21. Oh goodness. That is brilliantly simple! Just brilliant


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