
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sending A Cuppa

Good evening!  Just popping in quickly with a card for a couple of challenges. It's Block Party time over at Market Street Stamps so I decided to finally ink up my Daily Grind stamps.  And, it just so happens that Embellish is having a Tea Party challenge to use their colour palette along with tea related images.  How perfect!  I love when challenges come together in harmony!  LOL!

I also wanted to share the card I had published in Stamp It Cards! Vol. 9 (on page 101): 

Supplies Used
Cardstock: (White) Bazzill, (Blue) Paperbilities, (Blushing Bride, Peach Parfait, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Teacup & sentiment from Daily Grind, Bit of Burlap) Market Street Stamps
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko), (Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Dies:  (Nesties Blossom) Spellbinders
Gems:  (Cupcake assortment) Doodlebug


  1. gotta love your coffee card...sooo fun and super congrats on the pub!

  2. Woohoo! Congrats on your publication, Jen! And I LOVE your tea creation! A perfectly CAS and sweet, little number! Thanks so much for linking up your creation to this month's MSS Block Party!

  3. A big congrats on being published I actually saw your card this morning while going through Stamp It Cards. Love your coffee card, you used the colours well.

  4. I've been oogling at your super fun card that you had published...loving this magazine!

    Your coffee card is awesome Jen!

  5. Your tea card is great! I love how you took what at first glance are muted colours and made them into a bold, graphic card. And congrats on getting this cute card published!

  6. Love your card for the tea party and block party. And, congrats for getting published. I think that mag is on it's way to me, and it will be so fun to look for that sweet card.

  7. Congrats on getting your card published! Your coffee card is great—love the colors!

  8. Your coffee card is fabulous! That burlap background looks fantastic on the panel and I love how you did the cup :) Thanks for playing this month at the Market Street Stamps block party!

  9. Congrats on your publication and no wonder! That cart/d is super cute!!

  10. Super card Jen! I totally love that bit of burlap background! And of course, I love your color combo (you always pic such interesting combos)!

    Big congrats on the pub! I'm going through that magazine page by page and I haven't gotten to 101 yet, LOL! Love it!

  11. Love that cart card...something about the sentiment just cracks me up :)
    And I'm loving the burlap on the cuppa card - such a subtle touch but perfect!

  12. Both cards are fabulous Jen!
    Congrats on the pub!

  13. Two great cards. Congrats on your publication! :) ann Y.

  14. Fab & fun, Jen! Love your style! Hugs xxx

  15. love both the cards jen but the cuppa has me heading for the kitchen to make my own it looks so inviting :)

  16. Amazing use of color on your first card and congrats on the publication!


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