
Sunday, July 1, 2012


Good morning, everyone!  I am so excited to announce today that I have been invited to join my first design team!  

Melissa Chipperfield has created CASology: The Creative Study of Clean and Simple. Beginning on July 10th there will be weekly challenges every Tuesday where a cue word will be provided as a jumping off point for you to create a clean and simple card.  The design team will share our cards as well as an explanation of how our designs came about. And speaking of the design team, you must hop around and visit these talented ladies:

Whoop whoop to my DT crew!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone, and I'll see you on July 10th at CASology!  


  1. Wow Jen—your first team—I'm so excited for you!!! You're going to have a blast! Can't wait to see what you and the other talented ladies come up with.

  2. Sooooooo excited for you!!!!! Sounds like a wonderful challenge site and FAB team:)

  3. Woohoo!! So happy for you Jen!! Can't wait to see more of your gorgeous creations!

  4. sounds a lot fun. looking forward to your creation for the fun challenge.

  5. Congratulations on your new post. You will do great. You are such an inspiring crafter. I'm so glad I found your blog. Can't wait to see more about this challenge.

  6. Yay so happy for you Jen....long time coming to see you on a DT, I'll definitely try and play along :0)
    Jenny x

  7. CONGRATS to you! You will be an amazing addition to the team Jen!
    ps Congrats on your win at HA's.

  8. That's fabulous Jen, I am so excited for you! Congratulations :)

  9. A design team! Girl, you are so amazing. They are darn lucky to have you, too! Can't wait to see what tricks you have up your creative sleeve! Hugs!

  10. Oooo, CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to see all your creations--and the DT's cards too!! And thanks for letting me CASE your cards! ;-)

  11. Woo hoo!! And what a design team it is! Some of my favourite stampers in there (including you!). :-) Can't wait to see what CAS-ology brings. Congratulations, Jen!

  12. Hooray! Congratulations, Jen -- well-deserved.

  13. Wooohooo! Cyber high five, lol! That is so awesome Jen! I can't wait to see what fantastic CAS creations you come up with!

    :)s & hugs,

  14. I am so looking forward to this challenge...I look forward to your creations!

  15. yay, such exciting news! i'm looking forward to these new weekly challenges! love your You nailed it card ; )

  16. Congrats Jen on your DT spot - I am so excited for you and can't wait to see the new challenge:) Hugs x x

  17. that's awesome jen, totally deserved and completely works with your awesome cards ... big hugs girl :)

  18. Congratulations Jen!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, and it is a well deserved honor. Can't wait to play!

  19. Woo hoo! Congrats, Jen! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Hugs xxx


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