
Monday, June 18, 2012

Here's To A New Week!

Boy am I glad that it's a new week.  Last week was a bit of a nightmare.  Along with having two migraines, Jem completely blew out his knee.  There's no one on the island to fix it and the specialist who comes in from Boston a few times a year to do those sort of surgeries isn't due to come back until August or September so poor Jem will be running around on 3 legs until then.  We're trying to keep him as quiet as possible but he's bored silly and looks so depressed that we won't play ball with him or take him for walks.  Poor guy!

Between dealing with Jem and taking care of my head I haven't been in the Craft Cave or on the computer since Wednesday.  Today I finally feel better and am playing a bit of catch up. I gave the Craft Cave a good tidy and made a card for two challenges.  I was inspired by the layout and the flower on this card by Joy over at CASE Study and I used the colours from Dynamic Duos.  I also managed to use the Dessert Option from DD and used a ribbon threader punch and wove some ribbon through the white card.  Whoop whoop for using ribbon! Must dash but hopefully I'll be around a lot more this week.  :)

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Melon Mambo, Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Flower & leaves from In Bloom) PTI, (Sentiment from CL340) Hero Arts

Inks: (VersaFine Tuxedo Black) Tsukineko, (Melon Mambo) Stampin' Up
Die:  (In Bloom collection) PTIPunches:  (Corner punch) Marvy Uchida, (Ribbon Threader) Martha Stewart
Gems:  (Beetle Black assortments) Doodlebug
Ribbon:  Hot Off the Press


  1. Oh Jen. I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling well. Sending you hugs for migraine free days. And your poor Jem. Sending him thoughts as well.

    I adore your card. The gorgeous pink and black together are fabulous. Your placement of the gems is perfect.

  2. Poor you, and poor Jem! Hope you can have a migraine-free week this week. In the meantime... what a gorgeous card!

  3. Odd to be so happy to see a Monday, but if it kicks off a better week, I'm all for it! Poor Jemmy, and poor you
    :( I suppose he wasn't too sad to snuggle up with you while you felt crummy? Dogs make the best dejected faces, too, so I can only imagine seeing it all day every day...yikes!
    I love the colours and gems on your card, and to give you a smile, I realized after Zumba tonight that my back stings because it's the colour of those flowers....but it felt so good WHILE I was sitting in the sun...

  4. Oh poor pup:(

    Poor Jen too...Glad that you're feeling better:)

    Your card is a wonderful take on the inspiration. Love that pop of color!

  5. Sorry about your migraines, NO fun. And your poor fur baby, No fun for him. Great job on your pretty card,love the sprinkling of gems. Thanks for playing along with us at Dynamic Duos!

  6. This card is beautiful! I love that flower. Hope this week turns out better for you! Hugs!

  7. Oh poor Jem! Our Sienna blew out both knees, so hard to watch her in pain. I hope Jem gets relief soon. And I'm glad you are feeling better too. Migraines SUCK.

    Beautiful and graphic. Fantabulous.

  8. Sending best wishes for no more migraines! I know what it feels like to be flatten by one, or more. It's good to see you up and around!

    Your card was an amazing amount of work and it shows, Jen. It's fantastic! I'll bet that making it helped to "take you away" from it all.

    I'm so sorry about your poor pooch!

  9. Oh my! Here's hoping you two have a better week (& more) ahead!!! You've had enough already!

    Love what you've done with your card, especially the ribbon! So pretty and I like the placement of the gemstones around the sentiment! Thanks so much for joining us again at Dynamic Duos! :)

  10. looks awesome jen, big hugs to you and the family and we will hopefully catch up with you this weekend via skype :) or next weekend if things are still busy!

  11. Poor pup, I hope that you are able to keep him rested. Ours just learned that he can run on three legs, it is a comical thing to watch. What a beautiful card, such striking colors.

  12. So glad you are feeling better Jen, but poor Jem :( The weaved ribbon looks amazing... fabulous card.

  13. Oh yikes has he ruptured his cruciate?? Ouch .... poor pup :0( I bet he is beside himself especially when you have to carry on with Atti the same!
    Gorgeous card, I wondered how you had used the ribbon....clever and very effective too :0)
    Hope this week is better for you and big hugs to Gem and you of course :0)
    Jenny x

  14. Oh no, your poor pup! Sorry to hear he has to take it easy for a while--that can't be easy on him or you!
    I love the bold color scheme on your card and that darling looped ribbon peeking out. Gorgeous! Thanks for joining us this week at CASE Study, Jen!

  15. Love your take on the sketch! Great way to add ribbon to your card. Hope Jem is feeling better soon! Thanks for playing with us at Dynamic Duos!

  16. So sorry to hear that you have been down for the count - not at all fun or fair! And now you have a wobblin' critter - ouch. Your hands are full. Take it easy and care for yourself and your critter. Love this card - great colors and layout. As always!

  17. Beautiful card! So sorry to hear about Jem! Thanks for playing! :)

  18. So sorry to hear about your migraine and your poor dog. Sounds like things are improving a bit? Love your take on the sketch, especially your threaded ribbon.

  19. Such an elegant card! Thank you for joining us at CASE Study this week :)

  20. Hope Jem is okay! What a worry to have to wait til August.. lucky he's in great hands!
    ps Another great card!

  21. Lovely design, love how you used the gems to follow the sketch. Thanks' for joining us this week at Dynamic Duos.

  22. The threaded ribbon is so beautiful!
    Your card is so amazing!
    Thanks for playing along with us at Dynamic Duos!

  23. This is a beautiful CASE. You used those colors so well here!! I've always loved that PTI bloom. Awesome creation!

  24. I had to blow up the card to have a look at the ribbon panel. It's so darn cool! I hope both you and Jem are feeling better!

  25. Fantastic card Jen, I love the flower.

  26. Oh, what a difficult week you had! And then you made this card, and were a WINNER! Congratulations! :-)


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