
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blingin' Ferris Wheel

I ended up doing a lot of running around today and so only had about an hour in the Craft Cave. Enough time to put together a card for the CAS-ual Fridays Put A Bling On It challenge.  I inked up some new (to me) Lawn Fawn stamps, did some embossing and highlighted the ferris wheel with rainbow coloured gems.  I actually bought this set purely for the balloon image (does anyone else do silly things like that?) but after spending some quality time with the set today I think I'll get more than a fair bit of use out of most of the images!  Gotta dash and walk the hounds.  Currently they're having a wonderful time chasing each other around the living room - without touching the ground as they're bounding from sofa to sofa!!!  *Sigh*  

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Basic Grey ) Stampin' Up

Stamps:  (Image and sentiment from Admit One) Lawn Fawn
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Gems:  (Ladybug, Tangerine, Bumblebee, Limeade, Swimming Pool and Lilac assortments) Doodebug


  1. Love this ferris wheel with the bling. Just perfect. And, yes, I have bought entire sets for just one image. And, then never used that image, but used others instead.

  2. The white embossed ferris wheel is so fun Jen with the bling - allows the colours to show :)

  3. Again, you knock my socks off, Jen! This is such a creative take on using this LF stamp with blings! I absolutely adore this! Thanks so much for playing CAS-ual Fridays with us! AND thanks also for leaving me such kind comment in my blog! I really appreciate it!

  4. Love, love, love it Jen...the rainbow of gems on the ferris wheel is awesome! So glad you could play with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  5. This is lovely! Note to self: bling on black ROCKS!!

  6. Darling!!! The embossing is fab:)

  7. I _try_ not to buy an entire set for just one image (or, cough, cough, one Dickens sentiment) but it's been known to happen.
    This is an awesome card with the white on grey and lots of colourful bling!

  8. OMG, how simple and amazing. I love your rainbow bling!

  9. Every time I see that LF stamp, I want to get it. Your super cool card isn't helping, either. ;) Love the white on black embossing...that's some mighty fine embossing, Jen!

  10. at least they are entertaining themselves! the ferris wheel is so sweet ... love the rainbow of bling, but not as much as the gorgeous new profile pic :)

  11. The hounds are playing the lava game - you know, the floor is made of lava and if you touch it, you lose? That's all ;)
    You should link up with Virginia's rainbow challenge too!
    I totally do things like buy a set for one image...and usually then I use every OTHER image but the one I thought I had big plans for. Humph.
    Love the simplicity of the embossing & gems popping off the black :)

  12. Totally in love with this card, Jen! Grey is definitely the trendiest color out there, and combined with some rainbow? Perfection!
    Thanks so much for joining us this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  13. I also like the balloon image from this set... but this looks just fabulous Jen! You have totally rocked the ferris wheel!

  14. Um, yes! I have bought whole sets for that ONE stamp, many, many times - and then sometimes you find a use for the others! lol!
    Love your card - reminds me of how after we leave the fall fair, we drive around to see all the rides lit up in the night! Fun!

  15. I love this to bits Jen! The rainbow gems are a great touch. And yes, I'm always getting sets because of one small image - but then it's exciting to play with the others and come up with things you hadn't dreamt of! Vicky x

  16. Totally guilty of that too *wink* but love how you used the ferris wheel...just like it's lit up at the fairground :0)
    Thanks for linking up to CASual Fridays :0)
    Jenny x

  17. Hi Jen!! Your white ferris wheel against the dark of your card is WOW!! Love the rainbow of gems...wonderful card!! Thanks for sharing your creativity and joining the challenge this week at CAS-usal Fridays:)!!

  18. Jen, I love this!!! The white truly pops and the bling is fantastic. So very CAS and striking. You, my friend, are the queen of CAS cards!

    Hope the boys calmed down after the walk and little bit of couch-surfing. :)

  19. I can see why you'd enjoy spending time with this image - it's too cute for words!! Love what you've done with it, especially the rainbow colored gems. As always - super cute!!

  20. Love that ferris wheel against the dark card base. The rainbow gems are perfect. Love it! Ann Y.

  21. Love your choice to emboss in white on gray. The various colored bling is perfect. Fabulous!

  22. Well it certainly sounds like your hounds do not lack in entertainment value, hopefully nothing was broken! What a wonderful card, the white embossing is so striking against the black and the gems are a great touch.

  23. Love the use of this neat stamp, Jen! So great on the dark background - and those gems really light it up. I just can't buy this set due to childhood memories - Mom would never let us ride the Ferris wheel because she said that they were put up by drunks! Ha! Another CAS beauty, pal!


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