
Saturday, May 12, 2012

There Is Light

Hi all!  It's been a weird week and I haven't really made it into the Craft Cave at all.  Then today I went on a bit of a spring cleaning bender (not sure what got into me)!  However, now that the house is fresh and clean I'm hoping for some time in the Cave tomorrow.  In the meantime I wanted to share my card that was published in Card Creations: Volume 10. I haven't received my copy of the magazine yet so I haven't seen it in person.  Hope it looks okay!  :)    


  1. Congrats on the pub! This is brilliant.
    Glad you got some cleaning done (should have done a bit today myself) and hope you can get back to the cave soon. Have a great weekend.

  2. Congratulations on another fabulous publication!

  3. Fantastic card Jen, congrats on the publication :)

  4. Congrats on your publication!!
    What a fabulous card. :) I love the different coloured sentiment and that negative frame for the bulb!!

  5. well done on the publishing of this card, love the sentiment with the light bulb :)

  6. Congrats on your publication, this card is fabulous! I'm hoping to win this issue so I get to see it (& drool).... LOVE the two toned sentiment!

  7. WOOHOO! I can't wait to see it in print! I love the cut out - super clever :)
    And, because it's you, I can tell you that this wonderful inspirational card reminds me of a mug we've had for years that says..."due to budget cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished until further notice" lol!

  8. wooohooo! I saw your super fun card when I got my magazine on fabulous!

  9. saw it in the magazine. Fabulous design. Congrats!

  10. You are so incredibly creative!! Congrats!

  11. Congratulations on your publication. Not hard to see why they picked this card.

  12. Cngrats Jen on the pub, love the CAS little number....the colour combination just makes it work so well :0)
    Jenny x

  13. Congrats on the publication! This is an awesome card! It makes me think of that song from "Starlight Express" - now I'll be singing it in my head all day! lol!

  14. A BIG Congrats on your very COOL card being published! Wonderfully clever Jen!!! LOVE it!

  15.'s perfect!

  16. Hooray for you! Great card, and I sure hope you're right with the sentiment! (One of _those_ days... :P)

  17. Seriously?! You are published - Wow! Not something I am interested in, but I am so thrilled for you! I haven't even had time to look at my issue, but now I will make time. So proud of you for this recognition, Jen. You know what a fan I am, and now the world is gonna love ya, too. Great style here - you seriously rock.

  18. LOVE! Fabulous card and not surprised they snatched it up for the pub. Woo hoo.


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