
Monday, May 14, 2012

Give Peace A Chance

I had pretty much given up hope of completing a card for the Moxie Fab World's Spectacular Spectacles Challenge.  My original idea revolved around the punny sentiment, "You're spec-tacular!"  I was struggling with the design and then I saw Jackie's card.  How awesome is that?  The colours, the sunburst (starburst?), the gems - it rocks!  And it got stuck in my head so I had to move on from my initial idea because Jackie's beauty was all I could picture.  Hate when that happens!  LOL!  Finally I came across this pair of Unity glasses and immediately thought of John Lennon which led me to the peace signs.  *Sigh of relief*  Project complete!

Cardstock:  (Kraft) PTI
Stamps:  (Glasses from Dec '11 KOM - Filled With Love) Unity, (Peace sign from Hippie Chic) Market Street Stamps
Inks:  (Cherry Cobbler, Soft Suede) Stampin' Up
Punch:  (1 1/4" circle punch) EK Success
Font:  (Traveling Typewriter)


  1. Beyond fabulous...did you type the sentiment or did you have that in a stamp too! This is awesome!

  2. What a super card. It all pulls together so nicely. Great quote, and those glasses are perfect.

  3. LOL, that happens to me all the time! Love what you came up with :)

  4. I think your better-late-then-never inspiration is... moxie fab!

  5. I knew right away who this card was modeled after, fantastic!

  6. This card is fantastic, the kraft works so well with this 'peaceful' idea!

  7. Well I love it :) Perfect colours, and aren't Lennon's some of the most iconic glasses? Awesome. And now I'm obediently off to check out Jackie's card :)

  8. Jen you're a riot! I'm giggling because that's happened to me before too! I have an idea in my head and before I can make it and post it—I see someone else has beat me to it! LOL

    I love your John Lennon glasses and the peace signs! The kraft on kraft and the retro colors are perfect! :)

  9. totally worth the stress, love the specs and john! mad thunderstorms all day here, so we were inside doing school work most of the day :)

  10. This is really cute...I love the glasses and peace sign!! Great job with the Moxie Fab Spectacular Spectacles challenge!!

  11. Hey Jen! Thanks for linking this up to the Spectacular Spectacles challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  12. Wow - this was a tough one, too. Your graphic style shines again, girlfriend. I think this is another all-time fav of mine - simply remarkable!

  13. Great tribute to an icon Jen and love the colours too :0)
    Jenny x

  14. This is brilliant! and I love the story of how it came together.

  15. This is brilliant! and I love the story of how it came together.

  16. haha, design envy. I know how that feels! I love your new take though, very perfect for lennon.

  17. So cool! I love those rich colors on kraft! I hear you on getting derailed on a project! I love what became of your detour though:)


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