
Friday, May 4, 2012

Consider Yourself Vintage

Happy Friday!  Is everyone ready for the weekend? I'm hoping to get lots of crafty time in since Luis will be working.  I made this card for my uncle's birthday using an image and sentiment from Unity's February 2012 KOM.  His response was, "What is that?  A hearse?  I'm not THAT vintage!!" Hmmm...  not quite the reaction I was looking for but I guess it does kind of look like one huh?  Oh well, even if he wasn't sure about the card he enjoyed the Mexican dinner we put on for him.  :)  

I used the sketch from Less Is More for the card, I'm going to join in with Unity's Friends with Flair blog hop and I'm entering this in the Simon Says Stamp birthday challenge!   
Cardstock:  (Vintage Cream) PTI, (Not Quite Navy) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Image and sentiment from Feb '12 KOM - Lucky To Have You) Unity
Inks: (VersaMark) Tsukineko, (Not Quite Navy, Early Espress0) Stampin' Up

Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger

Dies:  (Nesties Large Labels) Spellbinders


  1. My first thought wouldn't be hearse:-). Cute card!

  2. It's a Lovely vintage car!! Definitely not a hearse ;) Your card is stunning! A great masculine card. I love it, Jen!

  3. Don't worry if he didn't like it that much... We love your card!

  4. I just love those card stamps in the kit! My hubby has a milestone BD this year so I think they will get a workout. OMG, a hearse, really? I love this card.

  5. I love the nestabilities that you used on this! Great look!

  6. A hearse! LOL I'm dying here. Well at least he enjoyed dinner. I love the card, masculine cards are always a little tricky.

  7. This is too funny - I agree with Uncle! I grew up in a mortuary and I thought it was a hearse (in fact, maybe I should get that stamp). Great card and a funny thought. Have a great weekend, kiddo!

  8. Funny story. I like the card, but I don't know anything about cars. To me, it looked like a cool, vintage car. I guess that's the difference between boys and girls?

  9. I love this card and the story is too cute! LOL!

  10. Awesome card! The embossed die cut layers look terrific. Too funny about your uncle's reaction. :P

  11. Love the image and that font for the sentiment - a perfect match!

  12. LOL, such a funny story and great card! I've made a few cards with this stamp and it never even occurred to me to think that it could resemble a hearse.

  13. This is great, love it! M x

  14. Not quite a square or a circle but it sure looks great!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  15. Ignore your uncle. It's a great card!

  16. Not quite the reaction you were going for, but now that I read it, it does look like a hearse....and my basket-brain is giggling. I would do it on purpose next time ;) that sentiment rocks, btw. Have an awesome time getting crafty!

  17. slimpe cute... I love that stamps.

  18. That sentiment is perfect for us who are "very mature".At least your uncle liked the dinner.The card was cute. Thanks

  19. I love this card. I need to make my F.I.L. a birthday card and he is into older cars so this would be perfect for him! Thanks for the Inspiration!

  20. I didn't think hearse either. Very well done!

  21. Funny story :) Love the card!

  22. Hearse never entered my mind! Love it! Great clean and simple design!

  23. I think that is so funny! Not a hearse!! Love your CAS card, the corners are the perfect effect!

  24. Perfect masculine card! Great colour and fun sentiment too!

  25. Awesome sentiment and image! I love the little notched corners.

  26. Your card is so cute and I love the sentiment to go with it:) Hugs x x

  27. Oh, I think this is just stunning! STUNNING.

    And Teehee on the comment from your uncle. You know, the older you get, the more of those hearses you see! So maybe that's why he made the connection. Go figure.

  28. hmmm, i could see that being a problem. ha. i wouldn't have thought of it as a hearse, but i'm not vintage yet. lol.

    i love your card though! perfect.

  29. LOL! What a funny story! I wouldn't have thought of it as a hearse but guess I haven't sent many! Love this CAS design.

  30. that's so funny, i love vintage so i love this card!~ and of course, it has plenty of 'white space' so i'm in love with it :)

  31. That's hilarious! I love the card...makes me think of my family's old station wagon!

  32. ooopps..good job he has a sense of humour!!! Doesn't look like a hearse to me.
    I just love that sentiment though, cool card :0)
    Jenny x

  33. I didn't think I missed out on so many cards! You have been busy! LOVE this for Father's Day! I wonder if my father would mind me calling him vintage? LOL


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