
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best. RAK. Ever.

You may remember a couple of months ago that CAS-ual Fridays challenged us to make cards inspired by movies.  In this post I talked about how my two favourite movies are "The Silence of the Lambs" and "Love Actually" and how "Silence" was perhaps not so inspirational in the card department.  The fabulous Jessi of OneCraftyMama apparently shares my love of this movie and said she wanted to make a "Lotion in the basket" card.  I told her if she made one she would be my favouritest person in the whole world.  Well, she did and now it's official who my favouritest person is.  Check out this brilliant and hilarious creation!
How awesome is this??  The fabulous weaving on the basket, the extra long twine for lowering it into the well, the wonky letters (perfect for an extremely wonky Buffalo Bill) and most of all the skin vest which you have to feel to believe.  And not only did Jessi slave over this amazing card but she also sent me a ton of pearls (because I lamented having none) and some of her fabulous crochet mats.  Our little blogging community continues to amaze me.  I am always stunned by the caring and generosity of everyone out there.  Erin of Homemade Cards by Erin is another example of how generous bloggie friends are.  She saw a comment I posted on someone else's blog about needing to get my hands on some SRM stickers.  So what did she do?  She sent me some.  Just because.  I just want to say thank you to all of you wonderful ladies out there who I am so grateful to have had the chance to get to know.  I am so thankful that some cardstock, glue and computer magic has brought you all into my life!  Have a wonderful day! 


  1. Oh Jen, you're the best :) I'm so glad you like it - and guys, you really do have to feel that vest. SO.GROSS.

  2. omg...Is there a word for something that makes you want to laugh and barf at the same time? Larfing?

    Jess will definitely have to keep this off her kids craft class project list;).

  3. What an awesome card to receive, Jen! I don't know the movie well enough to recall the quote but I love the card nonetheless. That's so sweet of Erin (love that girl) for sending you stickers, too!

  4. Thanks for sharing this fab card! Jessi is so amazing, I love her sense of humour and positive attitude! This is a great community and I love being a part of it!

  5. cool card! but i am still trying to get me head around how you can have those two movies as your favourites, one i adore, the other gave me nightmares ;)

  6. This post made my heart sing! This card is a total kick - all the perfect details! And, now I must re-watch the movie, too. What a great network you have, Jen - and give just as much love as you get back. Love it here!

  7. BAHAHA! LOL at JJ's "larfing" comment above. AWESOME! I remember when you mentioned that Silence was one of your favorite movies. It is pretty darn good! This is too funny! I totally wanna feel the skin. Is it..."roomy"?? LOL

  8. Aaaargh! Couldn't even see the film because the book terrified me so! But even I can see how clever this is! Vicky x

  9. Oh my, what a creepily amazing card!!! My skin is crawling a little just imagining touching the vest! What a sweetie Jessi is to make that for you. Larfing, indeed.

  10. LMAO!! Jessi is brilliant! It's one of my all-time favorite movies, so I totally get the card. The weaving is freakin amazing and the skin (LOL!)...I just wish I could feel that (LOL!).

  11. I've left my comment this late because I'm ashamed to say I'm probably the only person in the world to have not seen the movie!!! Know roughly what it's about so I can appreciate the weirdness of this card....Jessi is one amazing girl to put so much thought into making you a card and making card feel like skin!!! Lol
    Jenny x

  12. This is an AWESOME card, Jen! I loved the book "Silence of the Lambs" and thought the movie was so well done. It helps that Jodie Foster is one of my favourites. :-)

  13. I told Jessi that my husband thought this card was so cool. He wants me to make one for a friend of his. ha. Jessi is da bomb for sure!

  14. Just catching up on some blogland, glad to see you don't think I'm stalking you by sending you stickers from a comment on someone's else's blog :)


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