
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Wishes

Good day, all!  Hope you've been having a lovely Saturday.  I've been busy in the Craft Cave this afternoon while Luis (despite coming home with a fever last night and crashing on the sofa for the whole evening) has been outside painting the house! He's really not very good about chilling out.  Hopefully I can get him to relax a bit this evening...  I'm going to try and bribe him with some fajitas.  :)

Today I made a little card using the colours from ColourQ and the sketch from Skipping Stones Design.  I was going to put some gems on the card but instead I used some scraps, a hole punch and some Glossy Accents to make little dew drop type thingys (you can see the shine on the bottom ones).  Okay, off to walk the hounds.  Have a good evening!

Cardstock:  (White) Gina K, (Pale Blue) Bazzill, (Tempting Turquoise, Rich Razzleberry, Wisteria Wonder) Stampin' Up

Stamps:  (Balloon from Uplifting) Skipping Stones Design, (Sentiment from Birthday Messages) Hero Arts
Inks:  (Tempting Turquoise, Rich Razzleberry) Stampin' Up
Die:  (Double Edged Banners) PTI
Punches:  (1/4" hole punch) McGill, (Corner Punch) Marvy Uchid
Impression Plate:  (Linen & Canvas) PTI
Other:  Glossy Accents 


  1. Such a sweet card. Your balloons are darling.

  2. Nice job on the homemade dew drop thingies. :) Beautiful card, perfect use of those colours! Hope the fajitas did their job tonight. :P

  3. Love this Jen. Sure wish I could pull off CAS so amazingly like you do!!!

  4. So I think it is a really good thing when I recognize which sketch challenge you were playing in even before seeing the graphic or reading about it! Great card! Love your colors too! And thanks for joining us over at Skipping Stones this week, so glad you are enjoying those stamps.

  5. Jen, this is so very sweet!! I love the hot air balloons - what a great take on the sketch.

  6. i can't believe how busy you guys are! and yet you still manage to churn out the most stunning cards. love the little sparkle along the bottom and the hot air balloon take on the sketch is really cool. hope luis is feeling better today and that the fajitas worked ... you guys need a holiday in nz! i have repacked your parcel as mum had some things she wanted to include for you from singapore ... as i am hoping to be able to be active by mid week it will be posted friday :) YEAAAAAAH

  7. What a pretty card Jen! I love your homemade dew drops!!

    I hope you feel better soon. :)

  8. I love all the sweet little balloons...great take on the color inspiration!

  9. What a clever dew-drop idea - the shine is incredible! I've got to try that.
    Poor Luis - hope he's feeling better. I can't imagine wanting to paint the house when feeling WELL, so maybe he's delirious?

  10. Such a lovely card, Jen, so glad you had some time to play. Hopefully Luis is feeling better today! Thanks for joining us this week for the ColourQ challenge.

  11. awesome take on the sketch!!!

  12. Super cute card! Love the colours - brilliant take on the sketch.
    Hope the fajitas worked... yum!

  13. Hope your feeling better! This card is truly fab! Love the balloons! Great way to use the colors and sketch!

  14. Hey Jen! Gosh, this is just so cute! I love the arc of balloons:) I hope your guy will take a breather! This has been such a yucky year for viruses :( Thanks so much for playing at ColourQ this week, I always love seeing your adorable cards! :) **hugs**

  15. I love these hot air balloons Jen! Not a good idea to paint the house with a fever - you're likely to end up with something very 'creative'! Vicky x

  16. This is such a fun CAS design, Jen. I love those striped balloons! And I love seeing your "dew drops", because often do the same thing when I don't have the right color gems. Thanks for joining us this week at the ColourQ!

  17. I love this! Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Skipping Stones!

  18. I love those pearly dots Jen they really do look like gems!
    Great way to use the colours and thee best stamp for the sketch you followed :0)
    Jenny x

  19. This is awesome, Jen! Great take on the colours and the sketch!

  20. Jen, what a fun card! I love it! Thank you so much for playing along with us this week at the colourQ!

  21. Fantastic take on the sketch! Love the color combo!

  22. So cute! I love the hot air balloons! Thanks for playing along with SSD!

  23. i {heart} air balloons and these are super sweet.


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