
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Typing Flowers

I've been stalking Laurel Seabrook's Inspired By Challenge for a while now and after seeing this week's picture I couldn't put off playing any longer.  I went pretty literal with my interpretation and used some long neglected stamps and papers.  The stamps are Hero Arts and because it's a friendship-themed card I'm entering this in the Hero Arts Monthly Challenge.  The four patterned papers are from a paper pad I picked up in Walmart in Toronto back in 2008 and they make this eligible for Simon Says Stamp's challenge to use 3 different papers.  

*ETA:  So I missed the HA challenge deadline by 5 whole days!  I think that's a new record for me...

Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Patterned Paper:  (Le P'tit Bloc) Toga
Stamps:  (Typewriter & flowers) Hero Arts
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Bravo Burgundy) SU
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger

Stickles:  (Cotton Candy, Burgundy, Orange Peel, Yellow) Ranger
Font:  (Traveling Typewriter)


  1. What a great take on the challenge! I love that typewriter, thanks for playing at Inspired By!

  2. Love the way your put your typewriter in among the flowers Jen! And I had to smile at missing the deadline by 5 days!

  3. Perfect interpretation of the pic! And that sentiment is spot on!

    Too funny about missing the HA deadline:) I'd totally do that!

  4. A few days late, but I call it a real winner! So amazing how you combine so many challenges - I can't even think of one at a time. This is so adorable and a great use of these Hero Arts stamps - some of my favs.

  5. Beautiful card, and clever you to make it fit so many challenges. Great idea to put the sentiment coming out of the type writer. I should get this stamp. My daughters have no idea what a type writer is.

  6. A beautiful card Jen, I love the design, the colour 'flowers' are stunning and look fantastic sat on the typewriter and message!!

    I'm glad you could join us at the Simon Says Stamp challenge
    xx Heather xx

  7. Five whole days! That's pretty impressive! Hard to remember their deadlines since they fall so far before the winners are that's why ;)I love the idea of the typewriter nestled in with the flowers!

  8. At least you made it time for one challenge! (I did wonder... I was pretty sure I'd posted mine on the last day!) The cut-out, layered, and stickled flowers look awesome!

  9. Omg... I am only laughing because I always miss deadlines. Your card is a fabulous combo of the challenges. Love it.

  10. I recently missed a deadline too, Oh well, at least you have a beautiful card. The bed of flowers are a great backdrop for the typewriter!

  11. You have no idea how many times I look at challenge dates and double check them...thanks for being honest and admitting when you miss them. :) are rocking your cards . Wow...this is awesome!

  12. You crack me up Jen....5 days is too funny!! Still its there loss coz you've made a brilliant card :0)
    Jenny x

  13. oops...5 days?

    Well, I love your fab card:)

    P.S. your goodies went postal today!!!

  14. You're so funny! I miss deadlines all the time! I have not enough time in the day!

    Your card is so cool! Just fabulous! So glad you share your wonderful creations with the world! They always put a smile on my face!

  15. Your card is a great answer to the challenge!! Love the sentiment on the typed page. A very cute idea!!

    Thank you for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge blog.
    xoxo, Christine

  16. FAB take on the inspiration, love how you have the typewriter lying in a bed of flowers! 5 'whole' days... probably a record, love it!

  17. It's a super literal interpretation of the challenge image - I adore the flowers and the sentiment is brilliant! Great work!

  18. five days? now that's impressive ... i think this is my most favourite card you have ever done, it's just so gorgeous and full of colour ... geez and it doesn't even have any white space ;)

  19. So very sweet--that typewriter is just awesome. I need one of those (as stamps, I mean!!) :)

  20. Just scrolling through your blog this morning, marveling at your talent! Thanks for the inspiration.


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