
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hexagonal Hello

Luis has been busy earning his son-in-law points this weekend by painting my mom's kitchen and living room.  I offered to help but Luis has no faith in my painting skills so I didn't argue when he said no thanks and scooted into the Craft Cave instead!  :)  I made this card for two challenges:  The Colour Throwdown and Paige's quilt-inspired card challenge over at the Create blog.  This is another one of those Unity stamps that I'd been admiring in my collection for ages but hadn't yet managed to ink up.  One day (like in a hundred years) I may have actually inked up every one of my stamps.  Uh huh...

After yesterday being 75 and so humid that the paper in my printer was soggy, today is cold and windy!  I really wish this weather would make up it's mind.  It's been such a strange winter.  Going to have to bundle up when we walk the hounds later and then we'll be hunkering down for the Oscars.  At least I will - Luis will spend the evening changing the channel every time he thinks I'm not paying attention!
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Yellow) Pacon, (Pumpkin Pie, Bashful Blue, Basic Grey) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Hexagons from July 2010 KOM - Happily Ever After) Unity Stamp Co, (Sentiment from Little Bitty Bird) PTI
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Pumpkin Pie) Stampin' Up
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger


  1. love love love this...wahooo for the craft cave:)

  2. This is fantastic Jen - what a great stamp. Great take on the challenge :)

  3. It's been a terrible winter! I know this is weird to say, but it needs to get colder so that we don't all have terrible allergies and tons of bugs here in the spring/summer! The flowers are starting to come up and it's only February!

    But...back to the program! This card popped out of my google reader. WOW! It is so stinking cool! Love it...

  4. Fantastic card! Hexagons are definitely the 'new black', Love them! My hubby is painting as we speak... I'm afraid my skills aren't totally appreciated, so it's crafty time for me too!

  5. So sad you weren't allowed to help with the kitchen-painting and had to craft, instead. :D I had to go look at that KOM... those hexagons are fun and perfect here! (I'm surprised I haven't seen more people use them, with hexagons being so trendy and all...)

  6. That's an awesome quilt Jen, I love those stamps! Luis is so good, and to turn away your offer of help too... are you really that bad or is it just a clever tactic??? ;0)
    Jenny x

  7. Wow, Jen, this is gorgeous! Great way to combine those colours. I love your card!

  8. This is a wonderful card--love those hexagons and your take on the color challenge. AND, you didn't have to paint--yay you!

  9. sounds like the perfect evening is in store for you guys! nice to see luis doing what all son-inlaw's should do (keeping on the good side of our mums!) .. love the card it's such a cute pattern mix!

  10. What a cozy card, Jen! Love that you crawled into the cave! Fun times, eh?

  11. I suspect my hubby would have the same faith in my painting skills! LOL! I'd rather be in the craft cave anyway!
    Brilliant card! Love the design - would be a great masculine card!

  12. Wow! So clever Jen! I am always so rushing to get a card done ... that I never try to think outside the square! I wish I could train my creativity ... to be more creative! Hugs xxx

  13. This is SO cool, Jen! I love the hexagons. :)

  14. See, I've heard about it working the other way (hubbies being 'bad' at laundry/dishes so they don't get asked again)...but home repairs? I totally have to try this next time. Usually I throw my teen under the bus & sign him up as 'helper'.
    I love the colours, and all the texture from the embossing!

  15. Love how you layered the hexagons by color. Great idea for the create challenge.

  16. Soooo funny about the lack of faith in your painting skills! My family won't let me paint either!!! What a cool card. The patterns are fantastic!

  17. What a great way to use the CTD colors! Thanks for playing with us!

  18. Hello! Talk about using an older stamp to make something new and wow! Love it.

  19. lovely card! I like the colors and hexagons. Wonderfully made.

  20. Awesome! You have a fabulous style and your blog is pure fun :)


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