
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fancy Schmancy Forever

Cath has picked out some Fancy Schmancy cakes to get our creativity whirring for the latest Tuesday Trigger at the Moxie Fab World.  I was inspired by the colours of the cakes, the ruffled cake liners and the doily they're sitting on.  

Since there's a lot of PTI happening here I'm going to enter this over at A Passion for Papertrey where the challenge is to use stripes.  I'm also going to join in with Simon Says Stamp's Love Is In The Air challenge.

If you have 45 seconds to spare then watch this short video on You Tube.
The guy in the yellow jacket is Dr. Neil Burnie, one of the partners at the veterinary practice I work at.  He was on holiday in Jackson Hole, WY last week and just happened to be snowboarding in the right place at the right time to help someone out.  I talked here about what an amazing guy he is and now he can add Hero to his lengthy list of accomplishments!

Cardstock:  (Kraft) PTI, (Cream) Pacon, (Regal Rose, Chocolate Chip) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Mega Mehndi Medallion, Think Big Favourites #11) PTI
Ink:  (VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Seafoam White) Ranger
Dies:  (XL Rickrack Border) PTI


  1. Super cool take on the inspiration. I like how you've used that die cut instead of straight lines. Adds so much.

  2. Beautiful - love your take on the inspiration photo. And the video is amazing - definitely a hero, quick thinking on his feet!

  3. Hi Jen! Your card is fabulous ~ and, as always, you hit the TT right on :o!
    PS: Wow, lucky snowboarder, huh? I watched the video on Dr Burnie and also the news clip ~ seems like a really great guy!

  4. Ha... how yummy is your card, I can totally see the delicious inspiration picture here, the doily/medallion is brilliant :0)
    I'll watch the vid later when I can grab some minutes.
    Jenny x

  5. This is both fun and elegant. So clever, Jen!

  6. OMgosh, how close was that save? Made me shudder looking down that slope.
    Lucky you to work with such a neat person!
    (oh, and yeah, nice card. lol - love the lacey medallion, and the stripes are a really neat touch!)
    BTW, it's ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. I am sooooo making that basket card. You just WAIT!

  7. love the colours, reminds me of ice cream .. totally love your take on it, love the ric rac :)

  8. Such a fun card! And so trendy, with chevrons/zigzags and everything! (And no white ep disasters this time around? :P)

  9. This is 'Moxiefabulous'!! Perfect Trigger interpretaion, Love it Jen!

  10. What a fabulous take on the challenge! Thanks for playing along at APFP
    Caryn x

  11. Your card is just gorgeous, I love your colours and design, hugs x x

  12. Gorgeous! I love that beautiful white doily behind the cool tri coloured ric rac. :)

  13. Fabulous stripes and a delicious take on a tasty trigger!
    Thanks for joining us on A Passion for Papertrey!

  14. This is cute and different. Reminds me of a cake my mum used to buy me when I was young! Lovely colours Kx

  15. Gorgeous card, I love the pretty doily.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp
    hugs Mandy xx

  16. Eeek, love hoe you stamped over the ric rac.

  17. Ok, I just squealed out loud!! This is my new favorite card of yours! Awesome take on the inspiration! I mean jaw dropping take!

  18. A very eye-catching design! Great card!
    Greetings from Austria,


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