
Friday, February 24, 2012

Blog Award and Blog Candy!

I have been lucky enough in the last month to be gifted with the Liebster Blog Award by not 1 but 4 lovely fellow crafters!  What is the Liebster Blog award? Here is a quick explanation.   'Liebster' is German for 'dearest'. The award is a 'share-the-love' arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers (based on Google followers).

Here's the to-do list of any Liebster award recipient:
1) Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
2) Reveal your five blogger picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
3) Copy and paste the award on your blog (see above)
4) Hope that those you award forward it to their favorite bloggers! 

A big thank you to the following lovely ladies who were kind enough to pass on the award to me.  If you haven't checked out their blogs before then you must - they are all super talented and super sweet and supportive.  

JJ of Ribbon Girls - I found JJ when two of her cards were winners in the Moxie Fab Championing Award Medallions Challenge - a Moxie Fab first!  She has a fantastic CAS style and a super cute pooch named Cooper!

Noelle of Paper & Ice - Noelle is on the DT of one of my favourite challenges - ColourQ - and I love her bright, cheerful cards and paper crafted creations.

Jen of The Sparkle Within - Not only are Jen's cards super cute but she has inspired me with her personal challenges such as not purchasing any new craft supplies until making 100 new cards.  She's also a huge supporter of Operation Write Home.  

Jane of Create and Show - Jane makes cards but is also an avid scrapper.  I love her fun layouts of her boys and especially the ones that are inspired by magazine ads - so cool!

There are about a million people I'd like to pass this on to but we're supposed to keep it to people who are relatively new to blogging or have under 200 followers.  Here are my Fab 5: 

Lindsey of Bashful Blogging - Not sure why she's bashful because her cards are gorgeous! She's also such a supportive bloggy friend and a fellow book lover.

Jessi of OneCraftyMama - Jessi is hilarious.  I always stop to read her comments on other people's blogs because I know I'll get a good giggle from them.  She is also the most prolific crafter I know and is the anti-Jen as she loves her patterned paper and isn't afraid to use it!

Joyce of Cards-by-the-Sea - Joyce has only been blogging since last August but you'd never know it's been such a short time given her gorgeous cards and many challenge entries.  I love that she's always ready to dive in and try something new!  

Michelle of Amusing Michelle & Happy Snap Michelle - You get double the creative fun with Michelle as she has a crafty blog and a photography blog both of which are spectacular!

Jackie of Rockwell Designs - I love Jackie's bright and cheerful CAS designs many of which have found their way into my CASE file!

And now onto the blog candy as promised in the title!  This week I reached 100 followers! Whoop whoop!  I remember when I started blogging and thinking of that as an unattainable number but here it is!  And I know it's not cool to care about how many followers you have but you know what?  It makes me happy.  So there.  :p  To celebrate I've got a little stash of blog candy to give away.  There are Hero Arts, Stampin' Up and Unity stamps and some Maya Road flowers.  In keeping with the theme of sharing the love, leave me a comment and tell me about a fabulous blogger that I should check out.  I'll draw a winner on Monday! 

Thanks to everyone who comes to visit!  I am so grateful for the wonderful friends this blog has bought to me and for all of the amazing inspiration I find from fellow bloggers.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  


  1. Thanks, Jen! I am honoured. And under 500 followers on my blog? Um, check. :P Congrats to you on hitting the triple digits!
    Do you know Heather's blog, Best one-layer card maker ever.
    Looks like awesome blog candy, too!

  2. Jen you are the sweetest for mentioning my name! Congrats on reaching 100 followers! I agree I have so many more than just 5 fellow bloggers that have inspired me but here are 5 that have been super supportive to me in my first year as a blogger:

    Jocelyn Olson

    Therese Calvird

    Marion Vagg

    Lisa Arana

    Denise Gray

    There are many more that I'm getting to know and you are among them! :) I hate to leave anyone out. I will have to work on creating a post on my blog to pass on the Liebster Blog award.

  3. Aww, you are sweet! :) do check out Sarah at - and congrats on 100 followers!

  4. You are always such a sweet gal and congrats on the triple digits! It does make you feel good.

  5. Way to go Jen! Congrats on the 100 followers and on the Liebster award :) I am off to check out some of these blogs you mentioned.

  6. 4 Liebsters--that's impressive. Thanks so much for giving me my second. I still need to post about my first. I'm so glad I discovered your blog, because you are always chock full of inspiration. I'm still figuring out who my 5 will be, but one for sure will be my friend Kim at Cupcakes, Cards, and Kim. I'd recommend checking out her blog for sure:

  7. Thanks, Jen! You're too kind! (Not so sure my photography is spectacular, but I'm working on it, LOL!)

    I'm sure you've probably already seen my friend Cassandra's blog. Cassandra does some beautifully elegant cards, and she always inspires me.

  8. Congrats on your well deserved awards Jen! You really are a wonderful supportive blog friend and I am so happy to have met you! A BIG congrats on your 100 followers and thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy!! You keep rockin it GF!

  9. Whoop whoop Jen, thats 100 crafters with great taste :0)
    Your cards are amazing and I'm so glad I found you in blogland, your fun witty personality shines through in your creations and blog posts :0)
    I think we sort of follow roughly the same blogs so I'm not sure if you've checked out Lisa's blog I'm in Haven
    she constantly makes my jaw drop with her amazing cards :0)
    Jenny x

  10. Look at these goodies... didn't I see you win somewhere else? Or was it another Jen over at Flashback Friday? Fun blog candy goodies.. I'm hosting a giveaway tomorrow, there are strings attached, but maybe it'll help get your creative juices going.

  11. Thanks again so much, Jen :) I feel pretty humbled to think anyone reads my nonsense, let alone likes it! I think we have a lot of blogging buddies in common, but let me about Ann at
    She is relatively new to me but does wonderful things with PTI and CAS :)

  12. Your blog is new to me and I'm so glad I found it! Love your CAS style of stamping.

  13. So many fabulous blogs listed here. Some of my favorites include Heather Telford's Bits and Pieces ( and Lisa's I'm in Haven ( I've backtracked to this post from Amusing Michelle (, who passed the Liebster award on to me. I'm now following, and I love your CAS cards. :) Ann Y.

  14. that's so cool jen, 100 is awesome with so many blogs out their who can be visited! you should be proud girl! AWESOME prize pack, i wonder if this would help my card making ;)


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