
Monday, February 20, 2012

Battling My Mojo

Last week was one of those weeks when everything at work was an emergency.  Sometimes we have days where it seems like all we have happening are basic things like vaccines, nail clips, spays, neuters, dentals, etc.  Then there's weeks like last week when nothing is basic - GDVs, broken limbs, pancreatitis, bite wounds, RTAs, etc.  Just when we thought we were getting under control something else would turn up.  The vets and nurses were going straight through from 7:30am - 7pm not even stopping for lunch breaks.  It was nuts.  And it was heartbreaking as we lost several battles.  I was totally fried by Friday night and more than a little depressed.  I know that we can't save everything and you have to have a level of stoicism for this work but sometimes it wears you down.  Needless to say my mojo was NOjo this weekend.  Didn't get any crafting done at all.  Just tidied the house, hung out with Luis and the hounds and spent Sunday doing my best impersonation of a sloth.  When I woke up this morning I was still feeling a bit blah but I was determined to get that mojo kick started.  It was a struggle but I pushed through and got 3 cards made.  Nothing amazing or wildly imaginative but I got something accomplished so I'm feeling a lot better.

So this card is for the Just Add Ink colour challenge - a sweet spring colour palette.  Unfortunately the gale force winds outside are not exactly spring-like today but I found this lovely image from Unity that definitely is.  :)
Cardstock:  (White) Gina K, (So Saffron) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Flowers from Jan '11 KOM - To The Moon & Back) Unity, (Sentiment from Everyday Sayings) Hero Arts, (Bit of Burlap) Market Street Stamps
Inks:  (VersaFine Onyx Black, VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger
Punch:  (Corner Punch) Marvy Uchida
Copics: Y21, YG63, G21, BG10, BV23


  1. Sorry to hear about the battles at your work. It must be so hard dealing with animals when it comes to those times. I hope your spirits get lifted soon and your card is so cute!

  2. Hey Jen, that sounds like a physically and emotionally draining time. :( Sometimes we just need to hang out in our shell a bit to recuperate! I am so glad you took a break. This is a very sweet, fresh, pretty card! I love the dimensional butterfly :) BIG hugs and I hope this week is much improved!

  3. Hugs to you Jen :) This card is very sweet, the image and butterfly are so pretty.

  4. Jen, I can't imagine how difficult your job is. I wanted to be a vet until I volunteered at a clinic in highschool and decided there was no way I could handle it!!
    So I decided to work with sick people instead...go figure!!
    Your card is gorgeous. :)
    I hope work settles out soon, and you can get back to you!

  5. Oh one of those weeks eh!!!
    I remember them, especially going right through with no lunch break!
    Not surprised you felt drained and mojo-less, but seems it just needed a bit of coaxing and look what you made :0)
    Really pretty sping time card to brighten anyone's day :0)
    Had to smile at Kasia's comment...I chose animals because I knew I wouldn't hack working with ill people!!!
    Jenny x
    Jenny x

  6. (Mojo = NOjo -- snarf! Haven't we all been there, though.)
    This is such a sweetly pretty card. That image is perfectly coloured and goes so well with the stamped base. Nice! Hope you're heading into a dull, boring, routine, nail-clipping kind of week at work.

  7. Oh Jen, I certainly hope that this week gets off to a better start. I think it is the time of year too. I'm ready for the days to get a bit longer. Leaving and coming home in the dark takes a toll too. Sending you hugs my friend.

    Your card is so soft and sweet. Love the soft, spring colors.

  8. Sounds pretty tough, but also a test of your character as well. Your card is so sweet and perfect for the coming months.

  9. This is so simple but so very pretty, Jen! I love the subtle stamping on the card base and the soft colors you used.
    Sorry to hear things were rough at work last week. I hope things start to look up!

  10. ugh, sorry for the tough week at work...I can't imagine...hang in today's's sooooo spring-y!

  11. Welcome back mojo! This is such a pretty card Jen, I adore those spring colours!

  12. oh jen, what a horrible week, you must be emotionally exhausted, i could never work in the environment you work in whether people or animals, i would take it all to heart too mucn. to put out something so beautiful is a credit to you. hope this week is a little more cherry for you ... xxx

  13. No wonder your mojo checked out, what a stressful week. Lots of hugs and hope your mojo is on the mend. Though, I see no signs of mojo weekness in this beauty.

  14. Wow, Jen, this is really beautiful!! I love how you've used the challenge colours. Thank you for joining in at Just Add Ink this week; glad we could help to kick-start your mojo (which I really don't think was missing - this is gorgeous).

  15. Love this card, CAS perfection. I said to my 6 year old the other week that I'd lost my mojo and he replied, "Mojo is a villian in the x-men", which totally made me laugh.

  16. Gorgeous! Doesn't look like there's been any missing mojo at ALL! Thanks for playing at Just Add Ink this week

  17. a beautiful card from what sounds like a beautiful lady. You guys do such an awesome and unenviable job. We had a lovely lady that looked after us when we had to put our little matey down. Support from you guys helped us get through our loss. Your card is stunning and I hope you are having a better week.

  18. a beautiful card from what sounds like a beautiful lady. You guys do such an awesome and unenviable job. We had a lovely lady that looked after us when we had to put our little matey down. Support from you guys helped us get through our loss. Your card is stunning and I hope you are having a better week.

  19. What a sweet spring design Jen! I like the way the butterfly is bursting out of the frame. I think with a job like yours you need a balance of good outcomes to help you cope with with the bad outcomes and when it seems all bad like last week you can't help but go under a bit. Hope this week is a little more balanced and that the sloth impression can be wrapped up! Vicky x

  20. I am glad you found some MOJO to create this beautiful card. I love how you have used the colours and the simplicity of the design. Thanks for playing with our colour challenge this week at JAI.


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