
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Basic Grey Butterflies

One thing I am determined to do this year is use up some of the ridiculous stash of patterned paper that I have acquired.  It really is a bit scary how fast it has multiplied.  I swear it's been breeding when I'm not looking because there's no way I could have actually bought all that is there??  Anyway, however it got there it must be used and tah dah! Today I have used a whole fifth of a sheet of 12x12 Basic Grey Indian Summer paper.  Only 2 million sheets to go...  As with last week I didn't stray too far from Jen's inspiration card over at the CASE Study challenge.  Tone on tone cardstock, die cut butterflies and bright coloured paper behind them.  If it ain't broke...  :)
Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Early Espresso) Stampin' Up

Patterned Paper:  (Cedar from Indian Summer collection) Basic GreyStamp:  (Sentiment from Mat Stack 1 Collection) PTI
Inks:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) RangerDies:  (Butterfly) PTI
Punch:  (Corner Punch) Marvy  Uchida
Gems:  Doodlebug Design


  1. That's right...if it ain't broke...don't fix it. Love that you went with a darker and beautiful color palette! And...yes that paper does multiply. No doubt about it!

  2. I think mine breeds too...or I'm just scared to use it. Great card!

  3. You are so right about the patterned paper! I'm trying to use up some of mine as well, but not quickly enough.
    I love the rich color scheme you used and the bit of bling. Beautiful job!

  4. Gorgeous! Absolutely love the colours.

  5. I adore how the patterned paper POPS under that delish espresso cardstock!

    Oh girl, you'd cringe at how much patterned paper I have in my stash...I could literally open a store...sssshhhh....but I love it so.

  6. Lovely Jen - love the colours. Reading your post, it's like a light bulb just went off in my head... ah! here is a way I can use my patterned paper - for some reason it just did not click before! Just call be blonde, LOL.

  7. Your card is really gorgeous, I love your colour combo:) I too am going to try this year to use more patterned paper....good luck with yours, hugs x x

  8. Gorgeous, Jen! I love this colour combo. Very pretty!

  9. Beautiful card, love the colours

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog Jen! I LOVE your take on this case study challenge! Warm colors are my FAV!

  11. This is wonderful, Jen! I'd way you used the right patterned paper for this fabulous card.

  12. Yeah for you for using up your stash (I need to do that, too). Am I allowed to say that I like your card more than the CASE? ;) LOVE the color scheme and the slightly smaller mat. Very cool!

  13. This is awesome! I find that Indian Summer paper really hard to work with, and this is perfection :) Love the pink against the brown, and the design...lovely!

  14. Mmmmmm Yummy BG DP! And such an awesome brown colour for the card! LOVE it!

  15. Living in Hawaii, I hoarded my pp because of resources were scarce there. Now, I have more than I think I will ever know what to do with. We won't even talk about the scraps I have!!! I try to start with those when possible to keep that pile knocked down...Sure doesn't seem like that is happening!

    This is fabulous on the inspiration card! I love your darker version and the bits of bling is the perfect touch!

  16. there's no need to fix your card either .. love the warm colours

  17. Retro patterns and colours it! Don't go showing me your lovely papers or I'll have to buy the same!!!
    Jenny x

  18. A fifth of a sheet! LOL Do what I do with patterned paper, cut it wrong the first time, you'll go through it so much faster! :D That is such a cool paper, and the dark overlay really suits it. Great bling, too!


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