
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Merry Drinks

Whoop whoop!  I just discovered that over at ColourQ I am Co-Colour Queen with the fabulous Jenny!  And then I found out that I won some Unity goodies from the Friends With Flair blog hop!  I was worried what the day would bring when it started with Jem stealing half my breakfast but after all this good news even he is forgiven!  :)  
My card today is an entry for Jay Gee's Nook's latest challenge to use holiday stamps to make non-holiday cards.  I'm hoping to give this challenge another go at some point and use some actual holiday images but for now I'm using this holiday sentiment from Hero Arts.  It's from a set called, appropriately, Get Merry and is a 2010 release.  I thought the sentiment would work perfectly for a boozy birthday card and used it for one of the girls at work.  
Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill Basics, (Melon Mambo)  Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Drinks from Cheers to You) Stampin' Up, (Sentiment from Get Merry) Hero Arts
Ink:  (Memento Tuxedo Black) Tsukineko
Impression Plate:  (Sunshine ) PTI


  1. Two wins Jen, how fabulous! Your sentiment is perfect for this card, which is so fun. Thanks for joining in with our challenge :)

  2. Way to go on your wins Jen! Not surprising with all the gorgeousness going on with your blog! Super fun card...can you send some of the drinks my way?!

  3. Perfect to celebrate your wins Jen. Happy to be on that pedestal with you :)
    Who needs Christmas to be merry!! the sentiment is perfect with those that shot of pink too :)
    Jenny x

  4. Is there anything you can't win right now??!! Seriously, your work is amazing. Just last night, I showed my family your watering cans in love and told them that I could only dream of being so creative!

    This card is no exception. I glanced at the cocktails and thought you had wimped a little on the challenge because that certainly wasn't a holiday stamp. Then I realized it was the sentiment and it is absolutely perfect!

  5. Such a fun card - I do like that sentiment!

  6. I never thought of using that sentiment for anything other than Christmas... but it works perfectly! Congrats on your wins, too. :)

  7. Yahoo! {happy dance} Congrats on the wins - that is wonderful news :) Lucky for Jem that it happened today! lol
    I *love* this card and feel like getting merry right now. It's after 5 pm, so all I need is a mini umbrella & I'm all set :)

  8. Hee hee, that darn pup! Your card is fabulous, makes me smile and wonder where it is 5:00 so I can go have a couple! Congrats on your win too over at ColorQ, so well deserved!

  9. It was a well-deserved win, Jen! with that FAB woodgrain card, congrats! :) And **this** little beauty is so so fun! Love that texture and the sentiment is perfect! :)

  10. Congrats on your wins Jen!
    What a fun card! Love how you have used the sentiment on a non Xmas card! I'm still pondering what to do myself...

  11. that's awesome about the multiple wins jen ... how could you be mad at those gorgeous dogs of yours ;)

  12. Congrats on the goodness! Always well deserved! Love love this card! Sure makes me smile!!! Fun Fun Fun!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Congratulations on your wins, Jen. Love your adorable Birthday card, it is sure to bring a smile to the recipient's face!

  15. Rock on, this is fabulous!

  16. hehe gotta love a boozy birthday card!! Great take on the challenge!!

  17. Heck yes, I'd definitely be merry after drinking all those fun cocktails!

  18. Fabulous card Jen, and it sounds like you are on a winning streak, so good luck and thanks foe playing along with us this month ... Ange


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